Kanzashi Snowflakes

Just a little left before the New Year holiday and the mood is already New Year! So today I want to show you how to make Kanzash snowflakes from ribbons. Such snowflakes can be hung on a Christmas tree, make a hairpin, a bezel and many more!

Snowflake Kanzashi - master class

For work we need:


  1. Tape 5 cm wide cut into squares 5 to 5. So we do with each color. Now our square is folded twice in a diagonal.
  2. Once again.
  3. We do the same with the brocade tape, we put together the blanks.
  4. We bend once more, we cut unnecessary pieces and solder over a candle of corners.
  5. So we do with all the squares, combining colors at will!
  6. Now we imagine what kind of snowflake we would like to see and try to reproduce. We will make such a snowflake on both the rim and the wand!
  7. I spread the core and branches this way.
  8. I spread on the tape, which serves as the basis. Slowly add rows, alternating colors.
  9. New Year snowflake Kanzashi, ready!

In addition to her, make a magic wand for miracles! We take our plastic wand, and glue our snowflake to it. We need such snowflakes - 2 on both sides.

  1. We take the rim. We make a snowflake of the same plan, only less in size. It is possible and more, it's as you like!
  2. Our rim I also pasted tape in a tone to the snowflake. And now we glue our snowflake on the rim. I added a little continuation so that it was not very empty. You can make more snowflakes.
  3. Snowflakes Kanzas, made by own hands, look very beautiful and original! If you use the brocade tape, it will also shine!
  4. I got such a New Year's set, a little princess rim and a magic wand for miracles!

I wish everyone a good New Year mood, inspiration and love!

The author is Domanina Xenia.