Aquarium fish swords

The natural coloration of these fish is usually considered green. But today there are a lot of different breeding species with a variety of shades. There is one essential difference between the sexes: the lower rays of the caudal fin are noticeably elongated in males, thereby acquiring the appearance of the sword. Depending on the species, the body length of the fish varies between 5 and 8 cm.

Types of Sword Bearers

Different colors of aquarium fish swords are obtained by crossing. In addition to different colors, representatives of different species have different shapes of fins. Here are the main types of swordsmen who build houses in aquariums:

  1. Green sword bearer. His color is olive brown, quite light. Along the whole body there is a bright strip of red color. The body is slightly flattened, rather narrow.
  2. Red sword-bearer. This species was obtained by crossing a green sword and a red pelica. The body of the fish has a bright red hue.
  3. White Sword Bearer. This is a pronounced albinic form. The fishes have bright red eyes. This species is more stable and stronger in constitution than the rest.
  4. The tiger. On the red body of the fish there are black bands resembling the color of tiger skins. The tail is long enough, black.
  5. Mountain sword bearer. Color cream-yellow. On the sides are visible small strips in the form of zigzags, there are small specks.
  6. The black. The species was obtained by crossing a green sword and black pelicia. Color may have a greenish or blue tint.

Care for the Sword-Bearers

When choosing an aquarium first thing to pay attention to its length. Aquarium fish sword bearers need a long aquarium, preferably with vegetation reaching the surface of the water. In general, vegetation in an aquarium with swordsmen is a necessary condition for their successful maintenance.

These fish are omnivorous, and therefore with feeding problems will not be. Suit jerk or any dry ready-made feed. It is advisable not to give preference to only one type of food, it is better to diversify the nutrition of fish.

Fish are peaceful, so safely populate any kind of calm and complaisant fish. Males are quite snooty. To avoid problems, try to populate at the same time not more than three individuals of different species, ideally males should belong to the same species.

Female swordwoman

As a rule, the size of the female swordbread does not exceed 8 cm. It has a rounded caudal fin, the xiphoid process is absent. The color of the female is always much paler than that of the male.

Depending on the conditions of detention, the sexual maturity of the female occurs at the age of 6-8 months. Determine the moment when the female is ready to bear offspring, as follows: examine the anal fin, if the maternity spot is clearly visible, boldly proceed to fish breeding.

Fish are viviparous, and therefore fertilization occurs naturally. From each fertilization, you can expect 2-4 litters. Pregnancy lasts from 4 to 6 weeks. The female is able to sweep up to 200 fry, it depends on the type of fish, size and heredity.

Care for fry of swordfish

The fry of the swordfish requires a little more careful care than the adult fish:

  1. Prepare a separate aquarium for the pregnant fish. As soon as the babies are born, set it aside. The fact is that Fry will be endangered by other aquarium inhabitants.
  2. For fry, it is necessary to plant small-leaved algae in the aquarium so that they can hide.
  3. Fry can eat dry or live food. On the second day, try to give the mashed egg yolk. Offer a dry daphnia. Very willingly they eat the extracted artemia.
  4. If the temperature in the aquarium is about 30 ° C, you will get more males, at a lower temperature - females.