How to get rid of warts on your hands?

Warts are small skin growths. They can appear on any part of the body, but most often they can be seen on their hands. Warts are not dangerous to health. But from an aesthetic point of view, they bring a lot of inconvenience. Let's figure out how to quickly get rid of warts on your hands, so that after them there is no trace.

Operative methods of removing warts

If the warts are convex, then the folk remedies are very effective. But how to get rid of flat warts on your hands when they almost merge with the skin? In this case, only operational methods will help. These include:

If you want to get rid of such formations on your hands, like okolonogtevye warts, it is best to perform excision. In other cases, this method is not used often. This is due to the fact that in a few weeks in the same place, warts can appear again. Excision is a surgical operation, after which a small seam is applied. On the site of its holding, a scar may remain, but it will not be very noticeable.

Cryodestruction is a cauterization with liquid nitrogen. This procedure is absolutely painless. During its conduct there is no contact with blood. That is why there is no secondary infection of the tissues. Before you get rid of warts on your hands with liquid nitrogen, you need to take a blood test and undergo dermatoscopy.

Radio wave surgery is the removal of formations by high frequency current. This method has several advantages. It covers the access of the virus to healthy skin cells and ensures the absence of bleeding. Radio wave surgery is not used for deep warts. For this, it is better to use a laser operation. With its help, you can remove all the formations in just 1-2 minutes and the skin will not leave the slightest trace.

Medicines for warts

To get rid of warts as soon as possible, you can use medicines. Necrotizing drugs are used for this. The most effective of them are:

  1. Vartek - a remedy with mummifying and cauterizing action. In the composition of the ointment is podophyllotoxin (a substance that is obtained from the extract of the roots of the podophila plant). It has a cytostatic effect on the warts, causing their necrosis. Vartec can not be used for children, pregnant and lactating women.
  2. Condilin is a medicinal solution that also contains podophyllotoxin. This drug quickly blocks the processes of cell division and as a result of the warts disappear.
  3. Solkoderma - complex action of the components of this solution (acetic, nitric, oxalic and lactic acids and copper nitrate) provides rapid cauterization and mummification of warts with subsequent necrosis.

You can get rid of the wart on your arm and with the help of such a drug as Verrukacid . It has a cauterizing effect, due to the fact that it contains meta-cresol and phenol, and also coagulates proteins and pathological formations no longer appear.

How to get rid of warts folk methods?

Do not want to use medicines? Then how to get rid of small warts on your hands? People's methods will help you. It is easy and quick to remove warts with raw potatoes. To do this, you need to lubricate them with education 4 times a day.

Rowan helps to cope with such a problem. From it you need to make a gruel and apply to the affected area for 2 hours. After 10 procedures, the warts will disappear.

In the treatment, you can also use fresh leaflets of the western thuja. This herb needs to be crushed and applied daily to places where there are warts, well fixed with adhesive plaster.