Pairing on the hands of adults

The appearance of sweating on the hands of adults is associated with increased sweating and insufficient compliance with personal hygiene rules, which leads to disruption of the skin glands and their blockage. The sweating on the fingers and hands of adults has the appearance of red or transparent bubbles filled with liquid that cause severe itching, and when combed, they can become infected with a bacterial or fungal flora. Before the appearance of the blisters, the affected areas of the skin usually become slightly inflamed, turn red.

How to treat a chicken in the hands of adults?

When there are symptoms of sweating on the hands, it is recommended, first of all, to observe the rules of hygiene more carefully. Regular washing of hands with subsequent drying can be a sufficient measure to get rid of this problem. It is also recommended to treat affected skin with local antiseptics, for example:

Effective in this case and folk methods, among them - handbaths based on decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula, turn, yarrow, sage, etc.). Herbs can also be used for periodic wiping hands.

Strong itching is eliminated by antihistamines - Psilo-balsam, Fenistil, etc. A good drying and anti-inflammatory effect is provided by such means as:

If the above measures are not enough, complications develop, then for the treatment of sweating on the hands of adults, local antibacterial agents can be used:

Such drugs should only be used as prescribed by the doctor after examination and identification of the causes of the lesion.