Intestinal flu in children - treatment

With intestinal flu or rotavirus infection, many parents are familiar, whose children are in the age range of 1 to 3 years. The onset of the disease is usually quite acute - the temperature rises to 39 ° C, vomiting and diarrhea occur. The kid complains of the stomach aches, poor health, he has a runny nose and a sore throat. Despite such severe symptoms, the main danger of the disease appears to be rapid dehydration as a consequence of severe diarrhea. Therefore, parents, in order to always be on the alert, should learn how to treat rotavirus in a child.

Treatment of intestinal influenza in children: first measures

If you notice the above signs of rotavirus infection, it is better to call a doctor. However, in situations where qualified medical care can not be provided, the parents can quite cope on their own. If an infant is sick, hospitalization is necessary, as dehydration of his body can be life-threatening. With rotavirus in children, treatment is reduced to the main measures: elimination of diarrhea, stabilization of body temperature and normalization of the general condition.

To combat diarrhea and dehydration, there is abundant drinking and taking solutions that replenish the water-alkaline balance. Usually, a powder of regridron, touring, glucosalan is used, which must be dissolved in a liter of boiled water and drink every half hour on a teaspoonful. To stop diarrhea and remove toxins, antidiarrhoeal agents and enterosorbents - activated carbon, smecta, enterosgel, polipepam, polysorbent, motilium, enterol, lactofiltrum, etc. are used. To prevent bacterial infection in the intestine, antimicrobial drugs, for example enterofuril or enterol are prescribed.

If the child has a temperature above 38-38.5 ° C, it must be brought down by antipyretics (ibuprofen, nurofen, paracetamol, panadol, cefecon) according to the age-related dosage. In the case when the baby complains of severe pain in the stomach, he can give an antispasmodic drug, for example, no-shpa or drotaverin.

In addition, antiviral drugs such as viferon, anaferon, interferon may be prescribed.

Along with medical treatment, a special place is taken by the child's nutrition with rotavirus infection.

Intestinal flu in children: diet

If the baby refuses to eat, he must drink and very often, but in small portions. You can give purified water, jelly, tea without sugar, rice broth, compote of raisins. First of all, a sick child should not be given dairy products, in which reproduction of the virus is especially favorable. The exception is children of infants, they are breast-fed or with a sour-milk mixture, but in small portions. At the same time, it is necessary to refuse any complementary foods. Children with rotavirus are not given juices, meat, broths, raw vegetables and fruits, legumes, spicy, fatty, salted, spices.

If a patient over the age has a desire to eat, you can prepare him a liquid rice porridge or crackers from white bread. But let the baby eat in small portions so as not to cause vomiting.

The next day, you can prepare a small patient vegetable soups, boiled vegetables, dairy-free cereals, give biscuits, bake apples.

Many parents are worried about what to feed the baby after rotavirus. When acute manifestations of the disease subsided, boiled meat of low-fat varieties, fruit purees, bread is added to the diet. Food should be cooked for a couple or cooked, from fried foods to full recovery should be discarded. A week later, in the child's nutrition after rotavirus infection gradually and in small portions are introduced dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt), and only then diluted milk.

In addition, to restore the child after rotavirus is useful for vitamin therapy, as well as weekly intake of drugs with probiotics (linex, bifiform).