Scaly skin on the head

Peeling skin on the head, in principle, is considered a natural process. Thus, the old dead cells are removed, and the skin is renewed. A normally occurring process, in which the amount of scales removed from the scalp is small, the person does not notice. But as soon as there are some changes in the body, and the peeling becomes more intense, it grows into a real problem.

Why does the scalp on the scalp?

In different organisms, the process of skin renewal occurs in its own way. In some, the head is covered with subtle small dandruff, while in others the dead epidermis comes off with large scales that look more than unpleasant.

The reasons for which the skin on the head can be flaky, there are many. The main ones look like this:

If the scalp is peeling and it is very itchy, it is most likely the cause in the dermatological disease: eczema, lichen, psoriasis . Often allergic reactions are accompanied by a painful itching.

When the intense peeling begins immediately after washing your head, try changing your shampoo. If the reaction of the scalp to a new remedy remains unchanged, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist. But often changing shampoo allows you to forget about the problems of peeling for a long time.

Sometimes the scalp begins to peel strongly after salon peeling. To avoid this, before the session you need to discuss all the features and possible consequences of the procedure and, if necessary, choose more sparing means.

What to do if the scalp flakes?

In order for the treatment to be effective and not to harm the body, it is first of all necessary to determine the causes that caused the ecdysis:

  1. Fungal lesions need to be eliminated with special shampoos that contain ketoconazole, birch tar or selenium disulphide. Due to these components, the process of dividing harmful cells slows down, as a result of which the fungus dies.
  2. Do something yourself with flaky eyebrows and scalp alone is not recommended. It is best in this case to seek the help of a professional dermatologist. In addition to external treatment and cosmetic procedures, the doctor will most likely prescribe special medicines for oral administration.
  3. Skin peeling, which is due to beriberi, can be cured with a simple diet. In the diet, you need to add fresh fruits and vegetables, dietary meat, low-fat fish, cereals. Extremely useful juice and purified mineral water. Do not be superfluous and nuts, as well as cheese.
  4. To the scalp is not peeled after washing, to rinse your hair you can use lemon and nettle broths. You can apply them every time you wash.
  5. To accelerate the natural process of renewing the scalp will help peeling of sour cream, lemon juice and large salt (preferably sea). To make the product suitable for dry skin, it should be added a bit of castor oil. Use peeling before washing your head, carefully massaging the skin. Seeking help is not recommended more than a couple of times a month.