How to dry hair without a hair dryer?

A lot of problems lie in wait for a woman every day. What to dress, what to buy, what to cook, how to do it all? This is only a small fraction. But we will not try to solve global problems, but we will focus only on one small, but at times quite significant. You washed your hair. What is this problem? And now imagine: the hair dryer broke, the light was turned off, in the hotel where you stayed, it simply does not exist. We will open a couple of secrets on how to dry your hair without a hair dryer, if time does not wait.

What will it take to quickly dry hair without a hair dryer?

Towels are preferably heated with iron or heating systems. In extreme cases, they can be gently heated in the oven or over the fire with caution.

Drying process

After you have removed excess moisture from your hair, you should change the towel to a dry and warmed. But it will be better not to wrap the hair, but to dry it with light lifting movements. As a rule, the roots of hair dry out first. This is explained simply - they are dried by the heat released by the scalp. As necessary, change the towel to dry. As soon as you feel that the roots of the hair are dry enough - apply foam on them to give volume. Comb your hair and continue to dry them, passing between your fingers and lifting. This method is given by volume. It is not necessary to concentrate only on drying. In the process, you can apply makeup, drink coffee, view the mail. So you will save time, and the heat emitted by the body in the performance of any action will help to speed up drying. If the street is warm enough, then drying the hair can be done on the balcony or near the open window. Warm air and solar heat will help greatly speed up the process.

How to quickly dry long hair?

The rules for drying long hair without a hair dryer are the same. But there is a small nuance - long hair is best to dry, tilting the head forward and down. So you can give extra volume and facilitate access to the air inside the head of hear.

After your hair has dried out sufficiently, you can start laying. Here are some tricks:

  1. At the tips, you can apply any caregiver - the hair will not crumble and stick out.
  2. More relief and a clear hairstyle can be done using wax .
  3. If you have not managed to reach the required volume - the good old fleece will help you in this.
  4. When applying care to long hair, it is better to use a comb with sparse teeth - so you better distribute the product and achieve greater smoothness of the hairline.