Breast self-examination

The female breast is a sensitive organ that reacts to any hormonal fluctuations in the body. Therefore, the morbidity of the mammary glands can be observed even in absolutely healthy women. While the development of pathological processes in the chest may well go unnoticed. It is especially important for every girl and woman to listen sensitively to her body and regularly conduct self-examination of the mammary glands.

When and how to conduct breast self-examination?

For the first time the question of how to conduct a self-examination of the mammary glands, should face a girl who has entered the reproductive age. Particular attention should pay attention to your breasts for those who have irregular monthly and other gynecological pathologies. Every woman should know how to touch her breast to be able to detect suspicious places.

Self-examination should be done monthly, from 5 to 12 days of the menstrual cycle. Women in menopause and with physiological amenorrhea - on any day of the month with equal frequency. Breast examination includes visual inspection and palpation.

Breast examination

  1. It is necessary to undress to the waist and inspect the chest and underwear. On the brassiere you need to look for spots that indicate the presence of secretions from the nipples.
  2. It is necessary to squeeze the nipple with two fingers, gently, so as not to injure it, but it is strong enough to squeeze out the discharge if there is one.
  3. Next, you need to examine the nipples, did not appear in them any changes in size, shape, color. On healthy nipples there should be no seals, spots, ulcers.
  4. Then the skin of the mammary glands is examined. Pay attention to redness, swelling, flabby, wrinkled, retracted areas, seals.
  5. Put your hands along the body and examine the chest in the mirror: the size of the mammary glands is the same, whether they differ in shape, whether they are on the same level.
  6. Raise your hands up and watch how the chest moves - at the same time and at the same height or not.
  7. Do the same thing standing sideways to the mirror - right and left.

How to feel the mammary gland?

Continue self-examination lying on the back. The arm from the side of the examined gland bends at the elbow and is placed under the head. Place a flat cushion or roller under the spatula. With the opposite hand, the entire breast, including the axillary region, is probed with light, pressing movements of the fingers around the circle. The mammary gland to the touch should not contain the condensed sites and nodules.

Instructions how to conduct breast self-examination, standing under the shower, is similar. One hand needs to be lifted up, and the second one should be probed under the raised hand. For the convenience of sliding, the skin can be moistened with soapy water.

Do not forget that only self-examination can not be enough. You need to visit a mammologist at least once every 3 years, and after 40 years it is advisable to undergo an examination every year. Mandatory studies in adult women are supplemented with mammography and ultrasound of the mammary glands , which are performed 1-2 times a year and according to indications.