How to relieve nervous tension?

The modern rhythm of life sometimes does not give an opportunity to rest. People rush in pursuit of their dreams , forgetting about their own health, soul. Every day, you are "greeted" with stressful situations, waiting for the next turn of fate. In that case, will you try to relax? But do you know how to relieve nervous tension, relieving the body of the severity of everyday troubles?

How to relieve a strong nervous tension?

  1. When you get angry, you scoff at every cell of your body. Have you noticed that the bouts of anger cause you to tremble all over your body? In most cases, a person does not allow his emotions to break out, where from and such tension arises. But the negative should be poured out not on your surroundings, but in private. Practice the following exercise: for 5 minutes, clenching your teeth, give vent to anger, sounding through it the sound of "Y".
  2. Those for whom meditation has become a daily activity, confirm its positive impact on human life. If you still do not have time for such activities, sometimes just concentrate on your own breathing, throwing away all unnecessary thoughts. Now you should feel how your chest rises when you inhale, what sound is produced at the same time. Remember that at the moment there is no one in the room except you and your breath.
  3. For those who are interested in how quickly to relieve nervous tension, the technique "Minute of conversation on the gibberish" will suit. Everyone knows this pseudo-language from childhood. The kind of mask you put on your face, personifies your mental state. Get rid of stress, devoting about 10 minutes to such a conversation out loud.
  4. Improve your health with the following. Put your feet to the width of your shoulders. Slightly bend them in the knees. Little by little, lean toward the floor, feeling how each part of your ridge is bent. Feel a little shiver. Know that this is the signal of a correctly executed exercise.