Strawberry jam in the bread maker

Despite its name, it is possible to cook bread in breadmakers. We suggest you use our recipes and prepare an unusually tasty and simple strawberry jam. Guided by the tips from the recipes below, you can also make strawberry jam , or jam from any other berries.

Strawberry jam in the bread maker



To begin, thoroughly wash the strawberries under running water. Take off her tails and cut the berries into slices. Large - in four parts, and those that are smaller - in two. Put all the ingredients in the oven and mix them thoroughly. Turn the oven on in "Gem" mode for 80 minutes.

If your jam of strawberries in the bakery turned watery, you can add a special powder on a gelatin base. Such a powder will turn the juice of berries into jelly, and jam will acquire the necessary consistency. Gelatin powder is now sold in any supermarket.

Berry-strawberry jam in the bread maker



At first it may seem that this is blasphemy over berries - to mix them in this way. But believe me, you will not regret if you prepare this variant of jam. Now that you know how to make jam in a bread maker, it's not difficult to try a new recipe.

All berries, again, need to be washed. Remove the strawberries from the tails and cut them, peel the gooseberry from the hard bottoms, separate the bilberries from the twigs. Mix all the berries, and pour them with sugar with acid. Since the volume of this portion of jam is more than in the previous recipe, cook it will have 2-2.5 hours.

This jam is ideal for toast for breakfast. It can be used in baking and as an ornament for desserts. A traditional way of drinking such a jam is usually a tea party. Knowing how to make jam in a breadmaker, you are equipped with a recipe for a universal treat, which can play the role of an independent dessert and an additive to baking or cake.

Low-calorie jam



Jem in the bread maker, the recipe of which we will now tell you, differs from its predecessors in that it contains half the calories, although the amount of sugar remains the same. This means that such a dish will allow everyone sweet tooth to remain true to their diets, but at the same time pamper yourself with a delicious breakfast or lunch.

First, separate the washed cherry from the stone and tails. Since the cherry itself is acidic, there is no need to use citric acid in this recipe. If you are preparing a strawberry jam instead of cherry, it is better to add the acid.

Stir well the fruits with glucose and place them in the bakery. Set the "Gem" mode and cook the treat for 75 minutes.

Guided by this scheme, you can prepare a delicious homemade jam from any berry or fruit. Do not be afraid to experiment, it is simply impossible to spoil the products in this case. Bon Appetit!