Sorrel - useful properties

Sorrel for a long time was considered a weed, because it grows everywhere: by fences, in fields, on river banks and in meadows. But after the magnificent taste qualities of this green grass were revealed, they began to be included in many dishes. In addition, as it turned out, sorrel has also useful properties, and therefore is used for the preparation of folk remedies.

Ingredients of sorrel

The medicinal properties of sorrel are manifested due to the fact that it contains a lot of useful substances. The leaves of this plant contain:

Vitamins are rich not only leaves of sorrel. In the roots of this green grass there is chryphonic acid, rumicin and chrysophaneine.

Useful properties of sorrel

Sorrel is a dietary food product. It has very few calories. But in addition, sorrel has fat-burning properties: the acids that are contained in it, contribute to the active breakdown of fats. Also this plant removes excess water from the body.

Greenery of this herb is also used to treat beriberi. Sorrel can be used in the fight against scurvy. This ailment is caused by a lack of vitamin C.

Healing properties of sorrel are manifested in anemia . Because it contains a lot of iron, which is well absorbed, due to the high content of ascorbic acid in the plant, the lack of hemoglobin in the blood can be quickly replenished.

If sorrel is consumed in large quantities, then its laxative properties may appear. This is due to the fact that there are a lot of coarse fiber in the grass - fiber. It is not absorbed by the body and swells in the intestines, which promotes accelerated peristalsis. But in small quantities because of tannic acid sorrel opposite strengthens, so it can be eaten and with diarrhea.

The aerial part of such a plant has antitoxic, analgesic and astringent effects. And the root of sorrel has other medicinal properties. It provides a normal level of acidity in the stomach , has a choleretic effect on the body and is an excellent anti-inflammatory and hemostatic.

Medicinal properties of sorrel consist in the fact that his young leaves help to normalize the liver and get rid of hemorrhoids. In addition, they can be used to combat heart disease and blood vessels, as sorrel helps reduce harmful cholesterol and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

This plant is incredibly useful for women's health. With it, you can alleviate the condition, eliminate headaches and reduce sweat in a woman during menopause, and also prevent uterine bleeding.

Sorrel captures free radicals and can neutralize them. It helps to neutralize substances that have a carcinogenic effect. It is because of this that it is used to reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors.

Contraindications to sorrel

Sorrel has useful properties and its use in most cases affects the body only positively. But there is contraindication to this herb. Sorrel should not be included in your diet to those who:

Do not eat sorrel women while they are pregnant or breastfeeding. It is also better to periodically refuse to use this herb, as its regular use in the diet can upset the activity of the kidneys and even disrupt the exchange of minerals.