How to make a semi-alcoholic compress?

To increase blood supply in a particular area of ​​the body, it is recommended to make a semi-alcoholic compress - it helps in the same way as a hot water bottle. This procedure is used to treat bruises , sprains and bruises when applying cold is no longer indicated. In addition, this method is used to treat bruises after injections and droppers, in order to facilitate radiculitis, rheumatism, otitis, tonsillitis and various inflammations of the larynx.

The setting of a warming semi-alcoholic compress on the skin

Use this tool can be used to treat various ailments. Despite this, the method itself remains virtually unchanged.


Preparation and use

Alcohol and water are thoroughly mixed - a solution of medium concentration is obtained. Instead, you can immediately use vodka or any other 40-degree alcohol. The bandage is folded in several layers to form a dense fabric and soaked in alcohol. It is important that the gauze was only damp and not dripping from it. The resulting piece of tissue is superimposed on the affected area, and the top is covered with a film (you can use even food). The next layer is applied cotton wool, and then a bandage. This will help keep the heat for a long time. If desired, you can use a woolen scarf.

How long can I use a compress?

Local warming half-alcohol compress should be removed by a maximum of four hours. Otherwise, you can get unpleasant consequences. In addition, a break between the procedures should be at least two hours. In case of a sharp reaction of the skin, remove the compress, rinse the affected area with water. If the negative factors do not disappear - see a doctor.