Valerian officinalis - application in folk medicine

Valerian officinalis is a well-known plant that many use as a sedative, but in fact it has a more extensive list of benefits. Scientists have identified a rich chemical composition, and doctors confirm many therapeutic properties.

Valerian - composition

The most useful part of the plant are the roots, which contain up to 2-3,5% of essential oil with a characteristic aroma. Herb valerian herb contains borneol, useful organic acids, pinene, terpineol and tannins. There are alkaloids, sugars and resins in this plant, and also ascorbic acid and minerals: calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc and copper.

Application of valerian

Due to the presence of different substances, the plant has a large number of properties important for the body. If you are interested in the usefulness of valerian, consider the following facts:

  1. It has a calming effect, so it can be used for various diseases. It is useful for insomnia, hysteria, cramps and other problems.
  2. The herb of valerian helps to normalize the process of digestion. The plant relieves spasms and improves peristalsis. It is effective for chronic constipation and frequent pain.
  3. It is useful for women to take a plant in the climacteric period, during which mood jumps, irritability, tides and other problems are observed.

Valerian from a headache

In most cases, the headache arises from spasms. To reduce the manifestation of discomfort, it is useful to drink an infusion of valerian, which proves to be effective in treating migraine and severe headaches for many years. The herb of valerian well calms and relieves spasms, which relieves discomfort in a short time. It is important not to abuse this medicine.



  1. Crushed vegetable raw materials pour water of room temperature, which should be pre-boiled.
  2. Leave everything insisted for 12 hours. After that, strain and drink three times a day before eating 1 tbsp. spoon.

Valerian from stress

In the fragrant plant there are substances that gently reduce the excessive activity of the nervous system, relieve spasms and have a calming effect, softening the response to external stimuli. Valerian from nerves is useful in that it reduces the process of excitation in the cerebral cortex. With frequent stress, anxiety and insomnia, it is recommended to take medicinal baths. In a liter of water, add 5-6 handfuls of crushed roots and boil them for 15-20 minutes, and then strain and pour into a warm bath. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

Valerian with epilepsy

If a person has this condition, then periodically there may be convulsive attacks and mental disorders . Often epilepsy is accompanied by a general malaise, headache, nervousness and a bad mood. Finding that he is treating valerian, it is worth noting that this plant is effective in therapy for epilepsy and as a prophylaxis of this disease.



  1. Take the glass container and fill it with a fifth of the chopped roots. Pour to the brim with quality vodka and put it in a closet away from the sun. The duration of the infusion is nine days.
  2. After the specified time, tincture and wring out the roots. Liquid strain through several layers of gauze.
  3. Take the drug from valerian medicinal it is necessary for 30 drops daily for half an hour before meals three times a day.

Valerian with tachycardia

With this kind of arrhythmia, the heart rate increases. The mechanism of valerian action is the normalization of the heart and its calming effect. Many do not know that the aroma of the plant has a curative effect and it is recommended to inhale the alcoholic tincture of valerian before going to bed, the recipe of which is presented above. In it, you need to moisten the cloth or a wooden cork. Take slow, shallow breaths, the number of which determine by their own state of health.

Valerian from the pressure

Scientists have proved that the plant does not exert direct influence on blood pressure. The action of valerian, that is, a sedative effect on the central nervous system and a slight dilatation of the coronary vessels, is aimed at a slight decrease in blood pressure. Please note that for an emergency reduction of the indices, the means that include valerian are not appropriate and the result will be noticeable only after a regular and prolonged reception. It is best to inhale the aroma of concentrated tincture for 1.5 minutes. each nostril. With hypertension, it can be used only in complex therapy.

Valerian with pancreatitis

In the presence of inflammation, many people often experience nervousness and anxiety. Quickly cope with these unpleasant symptoms can be with the help of folk recipes with this plant. In addition, the benefit of valerian in pancreatitis lies in its ability to effectively cope with spasms and normalize the functionality of the digestive system. Infusion, cooked on its basis, enhances the secretion of enzymes and has a mild choleretic effect.



  1. Pour the plant into a glass or enamel container and fill with hot water.
  2. Boil for 15 minutes. under a lid in a water bath, and then, insist another 45 min.
  3. It remains to find out how to take valerian in pancreatitis, so filtered infusion use for half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner for two large spoons.

Valerian with gastritis

With an exacerbation of gastritis a person feels a strong discomfort, which affects the quality of sleep and emotional state. In this case, valerian treatment is justified, besides the plant has an antispasmodic effect and positively affects the work of the stomach. The best result can be achieved if you use the collection of useful herbs, which enhance the action of each other.



  1. Mix all the ingredients and take only 1 tbsp. spoon collection. Pour the herbs with hot water and insist until it cools down completely under the lid.
  2. Take should be 100 ml in 20 minutes. before meals 3-4 times in knocking. Duration of treatment lasts six months, and then, there is a mandatory break.

Valerian with panic attacks

A panic attack can occur at any time and in any person, especially given the stressful and stressful modern rhythm of life. With it, there is an increased palpitation, there is a "cold sweat", there is a pain in the abdomen and a shortage of air. In such situations, information is useful, how to drink a tincture of valerian, to calm down and cope with unpleasant symptoms.



  1. Plant the plant with water and boil over medium heat for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Before cooling down, press under the lid. Use the drug for 1 tsp three times a day.
  3. Valerian helps with neurosis, if the ready-made infusion is used for relaxing baths. Specified volume of tincture pour into a warm bath. Take it 15-20 minutes. every day before going to bed.

Side effects of valerian

In some people, taking folk remedies can trigger the development of the following side effects: dizziness, nervous irritability, stomach problems, nausea and lower body temperature. It is worth noting that the substances that make up valerian have the property of accumulating in the body, so there are possible side effects of valerian, like insomnia and excessive excitability.

It is important not to exceed the authorized dosage of the chosen remedy, since the consequences are very dangerous for health, so, the heart rate increases, there is increased drowsiness , headache, nausea and pain in the stomach. In addition, loss of visual acuity and hearing loss is possible. When there are symptoms of an overdose, immediately cause vomiting, rinse and take the sorbent.

Valerian - contraindications

Even considering the many useful properties, do not forget that in the presence of a number of diseases and health problems, the plant can be banned from consumption.

  1. Valerian contraindications concern people who have an individual intolerance to plant components. In most cases, it manifests itself in the form of rashes, redness, nausea and other ailments.
  2. It is not recommended to use folk remedies for women in the state, with constant drowsiness and in the presence of chronic liver diseases.
  3. Sometimes in people with hypertension, taking a medicinal plant causes excessive excitability and problems with sleep.
  4. Do not forget that valerian drug increases the coagulability of blood, which is dangerous for people in their age, as the risk of thrombosis, stroke and heart attack increases.
  5. It is dangerous to use folk recipes for chronic enterocolitis and glomerulonephritis.