Golden root - application

Useful properties of the golden root or otherwise, Rhodiola rosea, were known to our ancestors. The plant was actively used to combat fatigue, insomnia, colds, stomach diseases. Golden root, the use of which in home medicine continues to this day, effectively copes with neuroses and other nervous system problems.

Tincture of the golden root - application

The content of active substances in the plant made it possible to use it to treat a variety of ailments:

  1. The root has an adaptogenic effect, it is actively used to improve the body's defense system.
  2. Tincture of the golden root copes well with diseases of the nervous system.
  3. Thanks to the ability to bounce back the sugar level, the plant helps prevent the development of atherosclerotic plaques.
  4. Also, rhodiola rosea (golden root) has found its application in the fight against low blood pressure. This effect is achieved by raising the tone and elasticity of the vessels.

How to brew the golden root?

Tea of ​​this plant has a tonic effect. It is recommended to take with increased emotional and physical exertion. Preparing the tool so. Root (one spoonful) is poured with water (liter), put on fire and cook for five minutes. Leave for half an hour to allow tea to brew.

To prepare the tincture of the golden root on vodka, you need to pour vodka (half a liter) of the rhizome of the plant (50 grams). Place in a dark place and leave for two weeks.

Infusion on the water is prepared as follows. Dry root (20 grams) is poured with boiled water (liter) and boiled for ten minutes. They pour everything into the thermos bottle and leave for a day.

How to take the golden root?

All the means produced on the basis of the plant must be taken at least four hours before going to bed:

  1. Tea from the root is drunk, adding honey or sugar to it. It should be remembered that the addition of more than three spoons has a stimulating effect, and a smaller amount is soothing.
  2. Infusion on the water is taken half an hour before meals by one large spoon.
  3. Tincture on alcohol should be taken no longer than twenty days for twenty drops for half an hour before you sit down at the table.
  4. Extract of the golden root, the instruction for which says that the duration of the intake should not exceed twenty days, it is used ten drops for thirty minutes before eating. The duration of the course is twenty days.

Healthy individuals who are under heavy workload, for example during an exam or a hunt, are recommended to drink ten drops of extract each morning in order to maintain their efficiency.

To resort to the help of tincture and tea too often does not follow. The stimulating property maintains the tone for the first five days, then the body's resources and the drug gives the opposite effect. Therefore, it is recommended to hold breaks for a week.

It is also not recommended to take any funds with a gold root at high temperature or excessive excitement, as emotions will only intensify, which can adversely affect the body's performance. Therefore, if there is fatigue, it is better to rest for a couple of hours, and then drink tea or a couple drops of tincture.

Golden root - contraindications

It is not recommended to use the plant for treatment in such cases:

Symptoms of overdose manifest themselves on the second day, they can be expressed in: