Motherwort extract

Our modern life is a chain of endless stresses and experiences and, in order to return to emotional harmony with nature, it is best to use natural sedatives, to which the extract of the motherwort belongs.

How useful is the motherwort?

It is not for nothing that the motherwort is called "core" or "heart grass" in common people. In folk medicine, the use of the motherwort has gained popularity for a long time, and, basically, it is the treatment of heart diseases. However, it has also been shown to be useful in reducing cholesterol , normalizing the overall metabolism, and also documenting the benefits of this herb to treat certain male diseases.

The composition of this plant is rich in essential oils, tannins, saponins and alkaloids, vitamin C series, E and A, glycosides and sugary substances. And as always, modern medicine has found a way to maximize the benefits of such a magical plant, highlighting its extract.

Plant extracts are essentially concentrated extracts of all useful substances from the plant, presented in dry or liquid forms. Extract of motherwort is no exception. It is a concentrated substance from the leaves of the tips of this plant.

Indications for use

Despite the fact that the motherwort extract is an exceptionally herbal preparation, it has its indications for use. Use of the motherwort extract is justified in the following cases:

Forms of extract and methods of application

How to take a motherwort extract, depends on its form. Extract of motherwort is released in tablets, as well as in liquid form. More popular is the use of the Leonurus extract extracts. This is due to the convenience of this form, since the medicine can be taken anywhere.

Before taking the motherwort extract, you should pay attention to what you need to drink before eating. It is recommended to take 3-4 tablets throughout for:

Liquid extract of motherwort is applied drop by drop in the amount of 15-20 drops also 3-4 times during the day before eating. How much you can drink for a time duration extract motherwort, determined individually, depending on the general condition and what therapeutic effect you need to get.

Contraindications and overdose

In general, both tableted and liquid extract of cardiac grass has normal digestibility and tolerability. but extract of the motherwort in tablets has its contraindications, tk. it has a more tangible therapeutic and therapeutic effect than a liquid remedy. Therefore, you must take it according to all rules and regulations.

Contraindications include:

It is strictly prohibited to use bradycardia and reduced pressure.

The motherwort extract can also threaten an overdose if the prescribed dosage rates are not met. The consequences can be quite serious, ranging from skin reactions (itching or redness) and ending with visual disturbances and impaired coordination of eye movement. But again, these phenomena develop at a significant excess of the dose.