Treatment with juices

Raw juices are not only a delicious drink that quenches thirst, but also a valuable source of vitamins, minerals and acids that saturate our body. Daily intake of freshly squeezed juices gives us energy, excellent mood and, of course, health. The vegetable drink is the building material for our body, thanks to the large protein content, and the fruit mix helps to cleanse the decay of food and toxins.

Treatment with juices

The first about the treatment with freshly squeezed juices began to speak Norman Walker and even published the book "Treatment with juices," which since 1936 was reprinted several times. His teaching is based on the fact that fruits, vegetables and herbs, fueled by the energy of the Sun, transform inorganic substances taken from the soil into organic ones. Walker himself maintained a raw food diet, vegetarianism, drank at least 0.6 liters of juice a day and lived up to 99 years.

All vegetable and fruit juices perfectly clean the body and serve as a preventive measure of beriberi. But some combinations of fruits can affect the course of various diseases. So, for example, celery juice with the addition of apple, carrot or cabbage renders a vasodilator, diuretic, decongestant effect, which allows you to cure hypertension, atherosclerosis, kidney disease and arthrosis.

Beneficial features

  1. Pectin substances and fiber, which contribute to the cleansing of the body and the release of cholesterol, contain juices with pulp. As a rule, they are used for the treatment of intestinal and cardiovascular diseases.
  2. The best work of the heart is helped by juices from vegetables containing a large amount of potassium, for example from tomato.
  3. Folic acid, saturating the fruit of the cherry, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  4. Iron, contained in apples, will help overcome anemia .
  5. Natural juices are low in calories, so people who are overweight can use them without fear.


Treatment with vegetable and fruit juices must begin with 100 ml twice daily before meals, gradually increasing the dosage. It is worth remembering that not all people the same drink will be equally useful. For example, sweet fruit juices should not be consumed by people with diabetes mellitus, and sour - to patients suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, before starting treatment with juices of raw vegetables and fruits, it is better to consult a specialist - a nutritionist or a doctor in charge.