First-aid kit for newborn

The appearance of a newborn in a family brings a lot of worries to newly-made parents. The first month of a baby's life is a special time when a little man adapts to our world, and parents get used to new duties. With the appearance of the baby in each house, there are various devices for caring for the child. A very important role in this case is played by the first-aid kit for the newborn, which should always be at hand at the parents' disposal.

Children's first-aid kit for a newborn should include funds and preparations for bathing a baby, processing his navel, skin, a device for cleaning the nose and ears. In addition, in the first-aid kit for a newborn child, first aid means must be provided. For convenience, all these tools are recommended to be kept separately from the common home medicine chest. Below is a list of the main components of a home first-aid kit for a newborn:

In some pharmacies you can buy a pre-pack for a newborn. For example, the first-aid kit for the newborn "FEST" contains all the necessary drugs and means that may be needed during the first year of the child's life. It is not necessary that these funds should be used, but they should always be at hand. This will ensure the peace of the parents and the health of the baby.