When to introduce meat to a child?

The child can begin to give meat from 8 months with breastfeeding after his diet contains cereals and vegetable purees. If the child is on artificial feeding, then the meat is introduced into the lure from 7 months.

How to introduce meat into the lure?

Begin to introduce meat into the lure you need gradually, increasing the portion: half a teaspoon on the first day, a whole teaspoon (5 g) - the next, etc. Meat is pre-boiled and passed through the meat grinder several times, bringing it to a consistency of mashed potatoes.

The norm of meat for a child varies significantly, depending on his age:

Choosing how often and what kind of meat to give to a child, it is necessary to take into account the quantity and quality of fats in this type of product and the content of allergens in it. Beef may not be suitable if the baby is intolerant to cow's milk, and chicken meat, in rare cases, can lead to an allergic reaction.

What kind of meat can be given to a child?

Meat of rabbit and turkey will be the right choice for the beginning of complementary feeding of children up to a year. Also suitable white chicken meat. But do not dwell on one thing, you need to diversify baby food and introduce into the feeding of a child a variety of meat.

Benefits of meat for children

In the meat, the necessary trace element of iron is contained in such a form that it is absorbed by the body by 30%, this is much more than in other products. Due to a lack of iron in the body, anemia may develop and a developmental lag in the child. The necessary vitamin B12 is contained only in meat products, which is necessary for the development of nerve fibers and good mental development of the baby.

You can not give a child under 2 years of age: