Red caviar - how to choose?

Red caviar is still a delicacy for some categories of the population. And although its price for today is not so high, it's still not every day you see red caviar on your daily table. And since we rarely buy this product, we often do not know how to choose the right red caviar. Unfortunately, the existing quality standards are not always respected by manufacturers. And often under the guise of red caviar they are not selling a real product, but created synthetically. And it is very insulting when you pay a considerable amount for a fake, but even worse, when instead of the expected benefits artificial red caviar harms your health. Therefore, do not be frivolous about the issue of how to choose quality red caviar. It is better to arm yourself with knowledge, and not become a victim of unscrupulous entrepreneurs.

Which packaging should I choose?

Red caviar is sold in three different packages: by weight (plastic containers), in a tin can and in a glass container. When buying red caviar in a tin can, you buy a cat in a bag, you can determine what is inside there, only after you open the can. Of course, before choosing eggs in the bank the next time, you will already be guided by the previous experience, and you will know whether to take caviar of this or that trademark. But for the first time you can not guess with a choice. From this point of view, caviar in a glass jar is preferable - you can visually assess the size and integrity of eggs, their color, density, and turning the jar even friability. And only taste you will feel at home. But you must agree, these criteria are enough to protect yourself from a poor-quality product.

Caviar for weight - a special category. Buying caviar without packaging, you are at great risk. There is neither the name nor the details of the manufacturer, nor the date of production. Also, you can not be sure that it is a natural product before you, not a synthetically created one. But there is a choice of red caviar for weight and its advantages - you can evaluate its external characteristics, as well as the smell and, more importantly, the taste. Probably, in all developed countries of the world no one will ever buy red caviar. At us in the country with it a situation special. Such caviar happens (we emphasize the word "happens", since this is not a rule, but rather an exception) is much better and more natural than any industrial caviar. This is connected with the inclination of factory workers to produce industrial caviar to sell the product "on the side". But this is only information for consideration, which red caviar to choose is up to you.

How to choose a good salmon caviar?

Salmonids include the following fish species (and, accordingly, roe) - pink salmon, trout, keta, sockeye salmon, coho salmon. Let's characterize in a few words each kind of salmon roe:

Pink salmon - the color is orange or even dark orange, the diameter of the eggs is about 5 mm. The shell is soft, it bursts easily.

Trout - the color of caviar can be from yellow to bright orange, the diameter of eggs is only 2-3 mm.

Keta - amber-orange color, the size of eggs is 5-6 mm. Differs in a dense shell.

Nerka - the color of eggs from red to burgundy, the diameter is 3-4 mm.

Coho - a burgundy color, the diameter of eggs is 3 mm. The taste of caviar is bitter.

How to choose the right red caviar?

Good caviar should meet the following requirements: