Internal hemorrhoids - treatment at home

Hemorrhoidal nodes can become inflamed under the influence of various provoking factors. At the early stage of the pathology, they are completely invisible, but there are characteristic symptoms of the disease in the form of uncomfortable sensations, feelings of the presence of a foreign body in the rectum, minor bleeding after defecation. All of them indicate that internal hemorrhoids are progressing - treatment at home is possible, but an integrated approach involving not only the use of medicines, but also the correction of nutrition, lifestyle will be required.

How quickly to treat internal hemorrhoids at home?

Basic disease therapy is based on such activities:

  1. Strengthening of the venous wall. It is necessary to take special preparations - Flebodia, Detralex , Venodiol.
  2. Local relief of the inflammatory process. You should use rectal suppositories - Relief, Proctoglivenol, Gepatrombin G, Proctosan, Proctosidil. You can use similar preparations in the form of ointments, but with internal hemorrhoids candles are preferred.
  3. Rejection of bad habits.
  4. Compliance with a diet that prevents the formation of blood clots and the appearance of constipation .
  5. Moderate sports.

Popular methods of treating internal hemorrhoids

An additional measure of therapy of inflammatory processes in the venous nodes of the rectum are non-traditional methods of treating internal hemorrhoids.

The most effective way to calm the symptoms of pathology and accelerate the healing of damaged tissues is the use of self-made suppositories.

The most popular "candle" is made from raw potatoes. It is necessary to cut out a small bar from a vegetable (not more than 1 cm wide, about 4 cm long), round its edges and insert it into the anus. You can leave the potatoes all night.

Another recipe is to insert a sheet of homemade geranium, greased with vegetable oil, into the anus. This "candle" is also allowed to leave in the rectum for 8-10 hours.