Room jasmine

No one millennium ago a man first noticed a sweet and unusually strong smelling jasmine. Not many people know that the shrubbery growing in many gardens and front gardens, which is considered to be jasmine, actually has nothing to do with jasmine - it's a chubushnik. Jasmine is a completely different plant. Of the many species of jasmine that live in the wild, there are only two rooms: a holocanth and a sambac (Arabic jasmine). The flower growers, who decided to replenish their collection of plants with jasmine, need to remember - the fragrance of this indoor flower is incredibly strong, so it is absolutely not suitable for living quarters, let alone children's rooms and bedrooms.

Jasmine room: care

How to care for a room jasmine? Care for room jasmine is quite simple and quite on the shoulder even the most inexperienced florist. In order for this plant to feel comfortable, pompously blooming and pleasing to the eye with a well-groomed appearance, it is necessary to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Temperature - in order for jasmine to blossom, it is necessary to create the illusion of changing the seasons. That is, in summer and in spring the temperature should be higher than in winter and in autumn. The maximum temperature in winter should not exceed + 20 ° C.
  2. Lighting - jasmine is very light-loving, but it's not worth to abuse sunbathing. The most optimal place for the location of jasmine is considered to be eastern windows, where room jasmine can safely grow without additional shade.
  3. Watering - the amount of moisture required by the jasmine depends on the season. In the summer and in the spring it should be watered abundantly, avoiding the drying out of the earthy coma. In winter, watering should be moderate, as the land dries up. On the quality of water for irrigation should also pay special attention: in no case can not water jasmine water from the tap or very cold water. Water should always be protected, and it is even better to use rain or filtered water for this.
  4. Humidity of air - the air in the room must in no case be dry. Humidity can be controlled with a special humidifier, or spraying jasmine from the spray gun so that water does not get on the flowers.

That there were no questions, why the jasmine does not blossom, it is necessary to watch closely observance of all conditions of maintenance necessary for it. But the most important condition, the vital jasmine - is its content in winter at a low temperature and with minimal watering. It is also useful to trim the plant in spring, removing all old and weak shoots.

Room Jasmine: Reproduction

There are two known ways in which jasmine is multiplied by room: cuttings and air layers.

  1. Reproduction of jasmine by room cuttings occurs as follows: from an adult plant cuttings cut in size of 12-15 cm, on which there are 4-6 leaves. These cuttings must be placed in water or soil mixture (sand + sheet earth) for rooting for 30-45 days. After small leaves appear on the cuttings, they can be transplanted into separate pots.
  2. Reproduction of jasmine room with air layers is done like this: next to the mother plant put a small pot filled with soil. On the lower stem of the mother plant a small incision is made and the place of the incision is pressed to the ground in a small pot, fixed with a hairpin. When young leaves appear on the layer, it is separated from the mother plant.

Room jasmine: diseases and pests

Most often, indoor jasmine is attacked by whiteflies , aphids and red spider mite attacking the lower part of the leaves.