Planting cherries in spring

It's no secret that cherry loves constancy and engage in her transplant in the spring is only in extreme cases. But to land a new tree, bought in the nursery, will not be so difficult. There are several basic rules that will ensure the successful outcome of your actions: soil preparation, good seedling, competent planting. We will learn about the intricacies of each of the three points below.

Soil preparation in spring before cherry planting

The soil does not like rushing, preparing it for a couple of weeks and even months is not always possible. We will start work in the autumn. To do this, you should thoroughly dig a site selected for the seedling, and make a full fertilizer complex there, do not forget about the organics with the minerals. Some gardeners argue that the correct planting of cherries in the spring will be possible only after the soil is lime. Here everything depends on the type of land in your area: ideally, after working it out, the reaction should be as close as possible to neutral. But there will not be enough autumn feeding, and for sure you will have to add fertilizer in spring, both during transplantation and planting a young cherry tree. Directly into the landing pit, we will introduce humus, compost or peat, but not sour. They also add superphosphates. But just throw the powder in the pit is not correct. You dig a pit, and put the top layer of the soil apart from the bottom. When the pit is ready, we install a landing stake in it, and already around it we form a small hill from a mixture of fertilizers and the upper soil.

About a couple of weeks before disembarkation, we are preparing a pit in this way. This is the first point in the question of how to plant a cherry in the spring. Since the embarkation should only take place before bud blossoming, all these spring activities will be held around April.

How to plant a cherry in the spring?

The soil is already ready and is waiting for the seedling. Before planting the most critical we consider the cherry seedling. If the roots are damaged, cut them to a healthy place. This also applies to shoots. Buy a seedling you will be long before the proposed landing, so at the time it should be prikopat.

Immediately before planting the tree on its permanent place, the roots are dipped into the dung beetle. We also remember that the root neck must necessarily be at the level of the soil, therefore, when digging out the pit, we remember its property to sink. Usually this subsidence is within 3-5 cm.

When planting cherries in the spring, you set the tree in a pit, straighten the roots and start to fill them with the top layer of soil. Then we pour all this with two buckets of water, and sprinkle with peat or humus from above.