Thyme creeping - planting and care

To decorate mixborders and alpine slides, creeping thyme was often used, as care of it after planting is completely unnecessary - the plant is able to grow on its own. This very decorative plant is familiar from the times of Kievan Rus and was once used by pagans as a sacrifice to the gods.

Still creeping thyme is called thyme, and this name is familiar to many, because it is a very effective drug and is used both separately and in the complex therapy of various diseases.

Most often, thyme is taken as a decoction in diseases of the bronchopulmonary system - bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma, when it is necessary to dilute and excrete sputum. In addition, the extract of this plant is the main active substance of the medicine Pertusin, used for coughing.

In addition, thyme in combination with other medicines is used to treat prostatitis, adenoma, to get rid of alcoholism and increase the tone of the body. The therapeutic effect of thyme creeping is due to the presence in its leaves of essential oils and phytoncides.

Cultivation of thyme creeping

The only requirements for planting thyme are maximum sun, a fertile and non-acidic kidney. In the rest, this plant is absolutely unpretentious - it is resistant to drought, frost and heat.

In order to plant this medicinal and ornamental plant on your site, it will be necessary either to purchase a cutting or to grow it from seeds, by sowing on seedlings. The plant reproduces in all possible ways, and that's why even a beginning florist can easily cope with this.

Cuttings - green or lignified, planted in moist sand and covered with a film or transparent package, conducting daily sprayings. Within three weeks, the first rootlets will appear, and a month later the young plant will be ready to take their place in the garden.

If there is no possibility to propagate thyme vegetatively, then it is possible to sow seeds. Plants or containers with nutrient soil are sown with seeds mixed for uniform distribution with river sand. After that, the containers are sprinkled with water, covered with glass and put on a sunny window sill. This should be done in March, in order to get strong, viable young plants by the beginning of summer.

In the description of creeping thyme, there is information when it is planted - it can be done for six months from May to October. The main thing is that before the onset of these frosts the plant could well take root in the ground.

Applying thyme in the garden

Decorating any corner with the help of this plant, you can forget about work in this place for a long time. After all, except for the removal of weeds, thyme is not required. Spring, when the flowers of thyme creeping adorn the curbs - the best time for admiring them. But even after the flowering stops, this mini-shrub does not lose its decorativeness.

Very beautiful looks plant between the joints of plates on garden paths or near the pool. After all, instead of fighting in these places with weeds, you can simply plant a decorative thyme and admire it all summer season.

And although thyme creeping is a ground cover plant, it will be interesting to look in rockeries and in the vertical gardening of the garden with the help of cascades. And group plantings with the same creeping plants will be very unusual and interesting.

It is noteworthy that of several varieties of thyme, differing in form and color of foliage, you can create excellent garden compositions without resorting to the use of other plants.