Oleander - reproduction

Room oleander is a very beautiful shrub with fluffy pink flowers that bloom in the summer. Flowers oleander very strong and pleasant smell, filling the room with its delicate aroma.

Oleander Flower : Care and Reproduction

The plant is planted in soil mixture from turf, leaf land, sand and humus. A plant that is grown in room conditions needs to provide a lot of light. Otherwise, its shoots will be stretched out, the leaves are plain, and there may not be flowers at all.

The temperature for growing oleander is within + 20-25 degrees. For the summer, the pot with the flower is well placed in the open air, and if desired, it can even be planted in an open ground near the pond.

The frequency of oleander irrigation depends on the conditions in which it grows. So, if the pot with the flower stands in the sun, then you need to make sure that the land is not too dry, and there is always a little water in the pan. It is useful sometimes to water a flower from the shower, about once every 7 days it needs to be fed with fertilizer for flowering plants.

As for the multiplication of oleander, the most acceptable way is propagation by cuttings. Use this method in spring or fall. There is nothing complicated in this process. Cuttings cut into a size of about 10-15 cm, cut them into sections with charcoal and slightly dried. Then they are rooted in perlite, a mixture of charcoal and sand. It is important to maintain the optimum temperature - about 18-20 degrees and ensure good illumination. Do not need to moisten the substrate too much, otherwise stems may rot.

An easier way of rooting cuttings is to lower their sections into a vessel with water, in which pieces of charcoal are mixed. Roots usually appear about a month later. Cuttings with roots are transplanted into a soil mix of turf, humus and peat land with the addition of fine sand.

How else can you multiply the oleander?

Other variants of plant reproduction are seeds and air layers. These methods are rarely used. Seeds appear on the spot of flowers after their wilting. And for reproduction by air layers it is necessary to achieve the appearance of roots on a growing branch. Both these methods are rather difficult and require much more effort than a simple transplantation by cuttings.

Whichever way you decide to multiply the oleander, remember that its juice is toxic, so all work should be done with gloves and with all precautions.