Begonia, evergreen

Begonia is ever-flowering, it is also a semperflorens, was brought from Brazil to Germany in the 18th century. Like the flower growers, it's its peculiarity to bloom all year round, hence the name went. Over the past years, breeders have worked very well, and brought out about 600 varieties of begonia evergreen. All these varieties are divided in height, leaves and flowers.

The height of begonias is usually divided into three groups:

Knowing these divisions, it will be easier to choose a suitable kind of flower for yourself.

Features of care begonia evergreen

Of course, it sounds tempting: ever-flowering. But, in order for this to happen in reality, you need to know how to properly grow Begonia blooming. Here are its main requirements.

  1. The plant is brought from tropical regions of Brazil, hence its attachment to humidity is not surprising. That the flowers do not fall off and gladden the eye always, they need humidity of about 55-65%. Therefore, the plant needs watering constantly.
  2. To the soil, begonia is practically uncomfortable and grows where it is planted. Although he prefers fertilized loose ground.
  3. Like many other plants, begonia does not tolerate direct sunlight, although it is very fond of light and heat.

Reproduction of begonia of evergreen

You can grow begonia in two ways: from seeds and cuttings.

  1. Begonia is an ever-flowering seed. For successful germination of seeds and their early flowering, the winter months are usually chosen for planting, as a rule, January-February. The seeds of begonia require a lot of bright light, so do not bury them, it's enough to simply lay out on a damp surface of light structural soil. To create a favorable microclimate, close the seedlings with glass and begin to follow, periodically opening the glass and airing the "youth". It is important to know that young shoots will not tolerate neither dryness nor excessive moisture. Planting begonias in the open ground can be done immediately after the earth warms up and the cold passes.
  2. Reproduction of begonias by flowering cuttings. In autumn it is necessary to settle the begonia of the house so that it is always warm. In the spring, you can start preparing for cuttings. For this, the flower is cut short. After pruning, you must carefully monitor the watering and constant fertilizers of the plant. If everything is done correctly, then on the cut off bush there will be many good young shoots, which must be cut and put in water. When the roots put into the water cuttings, you can start planting in the soil.

Begonia ever-flowering at home

Room vechnotsvetuschaya begonia is not much different from their street sisters. She also likes humidity, warmth and lots of light. To ensure begoniju humidity, it is necessary to spray the air around it. And for a sufficient amount of light, choose eastern or south-western windows for begonias. If you fulfill all the conditions and do not forget to fertilize once a month, begonia can blossom all winter.

Pots for begonia are selected according to the size of its roots, periodically transplanting. In spring, the flower will need pruning of shoots stretched out due to winter lack of light.

Diseases of the ever-flowering begonia

If your ever flowering begonia does not bloom, you should think about her health. Harm to him can cause:

If you notice rot on the leaves, then carefully remove them and treat the whole bush with a diluted fungicide. The dried or blackened edges of the leaves scream for you about severe dryness or sunburn. Dry twisted leaves, fallen buds, dried flower buds - also indicate a lower humidity.