Reproduction of ferns

These elegant and quite diverse indoor plants are very popular among florists. With their help decorate both living quarters, and office. They look spectacular due to the lush and bright foliage, perfectly fit into any interior and become a decoration of the room. Reproduction of fern at home can not be attributed to a simple process due to a number of features, but more or less experienced floriculturist is exactly on the strength.

How to multiply a fern?

There are several ways to reproduce an indoor fern:

Each of the options has the right to life. But in practice, the sporic and vegetative method of reproduction of the home fern is most often used. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

Asexual reproduction of ferns

The easiest way to divide a large bush into several is to divide it into rosettes. If this is a long-fruiting species, it is necessary to separate a part of the rhizome together with a pair of rootlets and at least one kidney. After planting, the plant will quickly grow.

If it is a question of the species that form whips, it is worth using wet moss for rooting. All work is carried out only in the spring: the weather should remain cool, and the plant go into the phase of active growth. It is allowed to divide this way in the period of August-September, but only under condition of coolness.

When dividing the bush, pay attention to the meristems. This is the point of growth on the rhizome. For normal development of seedlings, each vaiya must necessarily correspond to the point of growth. This variant of reproduction of ferns is quite suitable for a beginner florist. As for the masters of their craft, they often resort to sexual reproduction of ferns. This process is labor intensive and will require a lot of knowledge.

Reproduction of ferns by spores

For the cycle of reproduction of any ferns, the alternation of two generations is characteristic. An adult plant sporophyte (just what we used to observe in a pot on the windowsill) on the bottom of the leaf has thousands of spores. As soon as these spores mature and fall on fertile soil, they begin to germinate. In each sprout there are male and female organs and after fertilization from the egg we see a new sporophyte.

This method of reproduction of ferns is used for those species that have only one growth point and never form new outlets. In principle, sprouting spores is very similar to the process of germination of seeds. The difference is only in the size of the planting material and the characteristics of care. Sexual reproduction of ferns occurs in several stages.

  1. First of all, we find a sheet where the traces of brown dust on the reverse side are clearly visible. It is cut and put in a paper bag.
  2. During the day, this pack is shaken periodically, but not opened. Use the package only once.
  3. For the landing, the following mixture is prepared: peat, ground, sand, charcoal are mixed in equal amounts. The mixture is steamed and poured into pots or pots. A layer of brick is poured on top, which was preliminarily finely grounded.
  4. Surface of the soil is moistened and spores are poured on top. The important point: from the edges of the pot to the soil should be about 1 cm.
  5. For successful reproduction of fern room in such conditions it is necessary to ensure high humidity of air, the temperature of the order of 25 ° C. Capacities are covered with glass, then installed on pans with rainwater. For irrigation use only a spray.
  6. A month later on the surface will appear small sprouts very similar to moss. One of the features of the reproduction of ferns is the obligatory presence of a water film for fertilization. Do not remove the glass until the first leaves appear on the sprouts.
  7. The cycle of fern breeding was completed and we again received a sporophyte.