How to grow an orchid from seeds?

Orchid flowers are few people indifferent - they are diverse, bright, beautiful, surprisingly interesting in their colors. Buy a flower in the store and multiply it , everyone can, but does anyone know that seed reproduction of orchids is possible. That is, if you wish, you can plant your blooming beauty and watch her grow.

Cultivation of orchids from seeds or ordinary miracle

If you are determined to cultivate these beautiful flowers, then you, for sure, will be interested to know that this process is rather complicated. A few recommendations that will help you translate your desire into life and master the breeding of orchids with seeds:

  1. Trust but check. This rule is worth considering when buying seeds, which are offered by many stores, including online stores. Some of them do not even know what the orchid seeds look like. They are so small that they can hardly be compared with a grain of wheat, which is 15 thousand times more. This is one of the factors that contributes to the fact that the seeds are obtained exclusively in the laboratory, accordingly, those who buy the seeds in a checked place will get good seedlings.
  2. Seeds are not protected by endosperm, so they are easily vulnerable. To prevent pathogenic microorganisms from destroying them, sterility is necessary. If you do not yet have a personal laboratory, then you can use a simple jar of baby food, pre-sterilized in the oven.
  3. The earth for this whimsical flower should also be special - contain agar-agar, organic and inorganic. The ideal option - to buy a ready-made nutrient medium and sterilize it at home, for example, in a pressure cooker. You should get a jelly that can grow a seed of an orchid.
  4. Sowing seeds of orchids is a troublesome business. Closing the hermetically sealed jar, you need to wait for 9 months. The sprout is transplanted into a permanent pot after 2-3 years.

How to plant and grow an orchid from seeds and achieve the best results?

If, however, you are not afraid of the difficulties of growing a beautiful creature, you need to understand where the orchids are located seeds. It turns out that they are in a seed box, which appears 3-4 months after pollination of the flower. While the seeds are ripening, you need to take care of the soil, which can save and save a small speck of dust, a future beauty. This requires moss sphagnum and leaf earth. Throughout the growing of orchid seeds, it is necessary to maintain greenhouse conditions, that is, air temperature + 23-35 and high humidity. Watering is not necessary, but it is important to spray. As soon as the first leaf appears, you can celebrate the victory, since the reproduction of the orchid by seeds can not by all.

Is the orchid worth such care?

Of course, if you are crazy about this beautiful flower, if you can not see enough of its inflorescence, if its scent brings you joy, then, of course, do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of growing an orchid from the very beginning. Just have to be patient and be prepared for failure. This will happen, most likely, not because you are doing something wrong, but because the orchid is not a homebrew flower, but a plant created by nature.

But for the sake of your pleasure, for the sake of the beauty that can come out, you must try to grow an orchid from a mini-seed, maybe it's your love, attention will help him to pierce his path to the light. Moreover, today the stores offer different soils and substrates for flowers, micro and macro-minerals for their fertilizing, all kinds of fertilizers.

Flowers make our life aesthetic, brighter. And the process of their cultivation gives rise to tenderness and calmness in us. Hence, any effort is worth it, then they make sense and time will not be wasted.