Baked Eggplant

Baked eggplants - a self-sufficient dish, you can cook and eat it just like that, but you can make a salad or a delicious snack from this fruit. Both options we will consider in this article.

Aubergines baked in the oven



Oven reheat to 220 degrees. Spread the nuts on the baking tray, pour them a teaspoon of oil, sprinkle with salt and fry until the ruddy color of about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Fried nuts are cooled and roughly crushed with a knife. The temperature in the oven is reduced to 190 degrees.

Eggplant washing and cut into two halves along. Each halve is sprinkled with oil, seasoned with salt, pepper and put on a baking sheet. Peel the fetus with a fork. We cook the eggplant 10-12 minutes. Another couple of minutes should be grasped vegetables.

In the meantime, 3 tablespoons of butter are mixed with lime juice, honey and a pinch of salt. Pour the dressing of eggplant, sprinkle them with crushed mint and nuts.

Recipe for baked aubergine with tomatoes



Eggplant sliced ​​across, slices 2 cm thick. Sprinkle the pieces of the vegetable with salt and pepper, then leave them for 30 minutes. Extra liquid with eggplant is drained and poured with oil, thoroughly mixing. Cut tomatoes into circles of similar thickness.

Basil grind with garlic, add salt, pepper and butter with lemon juice to taste. We build a pyramid of vegetables, alternating layers of eggplant, garlic mixture and tomato. Bake the dish in the oven for 15 minutes at 200 degrees, sprinkle with feta cheese before serving.

How to cook baked eggplants in the oven entirely?

If the eggplant's pulp is a part of any dish, the vegetable should be baked alone and whole to keep the core tender and fragrant. This can be done simply. Whole eggplant, previously washed, punctured with a fork all over the surface, lubricated with oil and wrapped with foil. We put the vegetable in a preheated oven to 200 degrees for 15-30 minutes, depending on the size. Ready eggplant carefully separated from the foil, peeled, and the pulp is used in your favorite recipes.

Salad from baked eggplant



Oven reheat to 200 degrees. Cut the eggplant into large cubes, sprinkle the salt and leave for 20 minutes.

Butter whisk with vinegar, honey, smoked paprika and cumin. With salted eggplants merge the water and fill them with the resulting marinade. Add the garlic passed through the press and lay the eggplant on the foil-covered baking sheet. We bake a vegetable at 200 degrees 25 minutes.

Lemon juice is mixed with soy sauce and pour the finished mixture of baked eggplant. We add shredded greens, roughly cut nuts and goat cheese. If desired, salad with baked eggplant can be varied with other baked vegetables: Bulgarian pepper, tomato or zucchini.