What to see in Yaroslavl in one day?

Yaroslavl is the oldest city in Russia, it was founded in the 11th century. For a long time, such a high concentration of architectural, natural monuments, museums, parks and churches has formed here that it is simply not possible to see all this in a short time. And yet, hitting here, you need to try to see at least the most important sights of Yaroslavl. Where to go in the first place and what must be seen in Yaroslavl in one day, our article will tell.

Popular attractions in Yaroslavl

We will begin our journey from the historical center of the city - Sobinova and Republican streets. Previously, this place was called Earth City, today it is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The architecture of the "pre-Petrine" time is almost not preserved, but the features of town planning are observed, representing 2 and 3-storey houses with wide green streets that overlook vast areas. Feeling of walking on them is just amazing.

Do not walk along the Volga embankment. It, perhaps, can be called the most beautiful of all embankments near the Volga, that is in other cities. Especially beautiful on Strelka - the space at the confluence of the Kotorosl River in the Volga. According to legend, it was here that the city was laid.

A separate category includes spiritual sights, which are also architectural monuments of Yaroslavl: the Transfiguration Monastery, numerous churches and churches, which can be visited without even being particularly religious. Many of them are in the status of museums.

By the way, about the museums: there are a lot of them in Yaroslavl - for every taste, as they say. This is the Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve on the territory of the Transfiguration Monastery (the pearl of Yaroslavl), and the Museum of Entertaining Sciences of Einstein, and the Museum "Music and Time", and the museum-theater "Aleshino Podvorye". It is difficult to advise something concrete, you can choose where to go, depending on your interests.

Among the numerous monuments of Yaroslavl is worth seeing: