Speech culture and business communication

The lion's share of the working time of any manager is taken away from negotiations and meetings, so you can not do without the skills of business communication and knowledge of the culture of speech. Yes, and career development of many professionals is directly dependent on the ability to build a dialogue in accordance with the criteria of the culture of speech and the principles of business communication. Otherwise, the conversation can go completely in the wrong direction and instead of a successful transaction or a constructive discussion of the problem you will get to nothing leading conversation, and the impression of your business qualities will not leave the most favorable. Therefore, we should take seriously the acquisition of business communication skills, but for now we will become acquainted with its fundamentals.

Culture of business man's speech

When communicating with friends, we rarely pay attention to the correctness of the construction of phrases, but in important negotiations and meetings such an approach is unacceptable. Everything is important here - from the style of speech to intonation and expression. The manner of communication and the culture of the speech of a business person are subject to a number of rules, without observance of which one can never become a skilful speaker. Let's look at the main ones.

  1. Great vocabulary. This will make it easy to juggle with words, giving speech brightness and saturation. Without a diverse vocabulary, it's very difficult to beautifully express your thoughts and convince you of the correctness of ideas.
  2. Equally important is the composition of speech. You probably noticed that you trust those who speak the pure language with the appropriate use of professional terms. People who speak with jargon, non-literary expressions or over-saturated vocals usually do not look competent.
  3. Do not forget about literacy - phrases must be made, given the grammatical and stylistic rules of speech.
  4. Be sure to pay attention to intonation and pronunciation, as often people can not catch the right meaning because of defects in the speech of the speaker or his inability to distinguish the most important points by intonation.
  5. Many forget about the importance of non-verbal components, and yet incorrect gestures and facial expressions can spoil any, the most brilliant speech . Confusion in the eyes, uncertain position of the person will reduce the importance of his words, which is not needed for any negotiator.

Thus, the ability to correctly and expressively express their thoughts is indispensable in the modern business world. It's not for nothing that almost all universities include in the program of training specialists in teaching the culture of speech, paying much attention to business specifics.