Flu 2017 - symptoms and treatment of new types of virus

Everyone knows the expression "influenza weather". The winter thaw is treacherous, not only by the unpleasant dampness and the sodden underfoot. At this time in the air there is a huge number of small virus parasites, able to lay even the strongest person on the hospital bed. From year to year a variety of new species of microorganisms is growing.

What kind of flu is expected in 2017?

The current year was not an exception. The outlook for the 2017 flu is not comforting. The danger of the virus lies in its inconstancy. Overcoming the strain of last season, humanity faces a new one, which threatens rapid spread and unforeseen complications. This year, according to doctors, we are facing a difficult fight with the Hong Kong flu (China). This strain of the virus type "A", causing severe lung disease. Also, the possibility of the appearance of new mutating microorganisms (H1N1, type B virus), which significantly complicates the diagnosis and choice of therapy, is not ruled out.

Symptoms of the flu 2017

Let us consider in more detail the influenza 2107, symptoms, treatment of ailment. This type of disease is a kind of acute respiratory infection, but it has a number of significant features. Signs of the flu of the 2017 are similar in many respects to those that were characteristic of the pathology of the previous season. Often they resemble an ordinary cold, but are dangerous for lightning development and a complicated course, sometimes resulting in a fatal outcome.

The first signs of the flu 2017

It should be remembered that the route of transmission of infection is airborne with a spreading radius of up to 3-4 meters. Infection is possible and in contact with the patient's personal belongings. To avoid the undesirable consequences of an ailment, it is important to know which signs of influenza 2017 manifest themselves most often. The disease can take place in mild, moderate or severe forms. It depends on the age and general condition of a person, the strength of resistance to his immune system.

The latent period lasts several days, with the subsequent manifestation of bright signs. So, the flu of 2017 is the symptoms, the treatment for which is urgently needed:

Symptoms of viral etiology are accompanied by signs of exacerbation of chronic diseases, if they have already been diagnosed. Critical figures on the thermometer can signal the onset of seizures, nosebleeds, loss of consciousness, etc. This can lead to irreversible changes in the body and requires urgent medical attention.

How to treat the flu in 2017?

Having found out in itself the primary signs of the onset of the disease, stay at home and do not self-medicate. Most drugs that are so hard to promote pharmaceutical companies are not capable of destroying the virus in the bud. It may be necessary to hospitalize and easier to bear the ailment will help a few simple recommendations:

  1. Do not break the bed rest.
  2. Take light food.
  3. Drink plenty of warm liquid.
  4. Rinse your nasal passages and gargle with throats of herbs.
  5. Anesthetics should be used as needed.

Treatment of influenza 2017 and its symptoms with antiviral agents is effective only at the onset of the disease. Some of them should be taken under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital. Among the active drugs against these microbes are the following:

How to knock down the temperature with the flu?

One of the most true symptoms of influenza is a sharp increase in body temperature. This means the beginning of a difficult struggle of the defense system with unwanted pathogens-pests. Therefore, doctors do not recommend taking medications that reduce fever. It has been scientifically proven that such an approach to the treatment of viral disease does not bring benefits and even harm the functioning of the immune system.

Lower the subfebrile temperature is not worth it. If nevertheless there is such a need - drink Nurofen, Panadol or Efferalgan. Often patients ask the question: "Why can not you drink Aspirin with flu?" Taking this medication can cause bleeding, as it is a strong anticoagulant. Possible damage to the liver and brain substance.

Cure for the flu 2017

Flu of 2017 is dangerous not by the presence of the virus itself, but by unpredictable complications. Therefore, it is important to help a weakened organism to overcome the attack of microbes. Symptomatic drugs facilitate the patient's condition and accelerate the healing process. These can be lollipops from sore throats, drops from a cold or nasal congestion, etc. Be sure to consult a therapist and a pharmacist. The above-mentioned antiviral medicines are prescribed only by physicians.

Prevention of influenza 2017

Every sensible person realizes that from any illness it is better to insure yourself in advance. But some measures to prevent influenza should be taken in case of an outbreak of the epidemic. Modern medicine offers three effective methods of preventive action:

Prevention of influenza 2017 - drugs

An unshakable "guardian" of our health is interferon, discovered in 1957. A substance of protein origin, which is produced by the cells of the body to fight with pathogenic microorganisms. Preparations for the prevention of influenza on the basis of this substance contribute to an increase in the amount of natural interferon or serve as its synthetic analogue.

Therapy with these means is carried out before the epidemic begins and during its peak. They are available in the form of nasal drops or soluble powder and are sold in pharmacies. For the prevention of the use of these medicines for a long time. Some inducers of natural substance prescribe for the prevention of disease by special courses. Among them:

Vaccination against influenza 2017

Immunization of the population for prevention is one of the most effective methods of preventing a pandemic. A vaccine containing protein compounds of viruses, getting into the blood, provokes an active synthesis of antibodies to a certain kind of pathogens. A protected organism no longer serves as a potential target for an infectious attack and can give a timely response. Each year, the composition of the virus varies, suggesting a change in the composition of the vaccine itself. Therefore it is important to know which strain of influenza in 2017 should be expected and how to prepare for it.

As already mentioned above, this winter and spring suggest the spread of virus A / Hong Kong. A modified strain of the California flu is also possible. The doctors insist on carrying out the vaccination before the outbreak of the epidemic, to give time to the body for the formation of sustainable protection. After the event, the risk of infection is significantly reduced.