Smoothies of banana

Banana, as you know, is a very soft fruit and thanks to this, especially gentle and air smoothies are obtained from it. In addition, it is ideally combined with any other fruits and berries. Smoothies from a banana will be good not only chilled in the summer heat, but also useful for breakfast at any other time of the year.

Banana smoothies - recipe



Mix the cream with oatmeal and vanilla. Then shake well in a blender. Bananas finely chop, add to the blender and once again whisk until smooth. Such a banana smoothie is best laid out in a small cup and eat with a spoon.

Banana smoothie with kiwi fruit



Banana and kiwi peel and cut. Then put into a blender and add the sour cream. Beat for about 30 seconds, then add the honey and scroll the smoothies for a couple of seconds. If the smoothie gets too thick, add a little milk.

Strawberry Banana Smoothies



Banana peel and cut into slices. Straw the stems with strawberries. Strawberries, banana and cottage cheese put in a blender and beat well. Add orange juice and mix again. If you want, you can add some honey.

Recipe for smoothies with banana and chocolate



Chocolate melt in a water bath, add water and butter. Bananas peel and peel with banana. Put bananas and sour cream in a blender. Whisk, add honey and orange juice. Beat again. Pour smoothies into tall glasses, and gently pour the chocolate on top.