A seizure of epilepsy

A generalized convulsive attack can scare everyone, especially if you observe it for the first time. It is important to know that during an attack of epilepsy the patient does not realize anything and does not experience pain.

The causes of the appearance of epileptic seizures can be covered in genetic malfunctions, changes in the brain, even resulting from the transmitted virus diseases. Usually, a person who has an epileptic seizure then needs help from outside.

Symptoms of an epileptic seizure should be known to absolutely every person, to provide the necessary assistance if necessary.

How does an attack occur?

An epileptic attack is a short-term loss of consciousness, which is accompanied by:

There are several types of seizures:

During a large convulsive fit, involuntary chaotic and rapid movements of almost all muscles of the extremities and trunk are observed. During a small convulsive fit, there may be twitching of the individual muscles of the limbs.

Night Attacks

There may be night attacks of epilepsy, which a person does not even remember. To learn about such an attack, you can by wet bed linen from an involuntary act of urination. Epileptic seizures in a dream may indicate a not too serious neurological disorder compared with a constant bout of epilepsy.

However, having noticed seizures in a dream, you should immediately seek consultations with a neurologist, make an electroencephalogram and a magnetic resonance tomogram of the brain.

Necessary actions

About what to do in case of an epileptic seizure, it is better to take care beforehand. Being in the company of a person who suffers epileptic seizures, it is best to talk with him about the situation of an attack in advance. And ask for a syringe, in which will be Seduxen or Relanium with an individually calculated dose of medication. Practically every patient has such syringes with him. During an attack, you need to inject this medicine into the muscle - the buttocks, hips or shoulders. The substance will remove the seizures that are characteristic of each attack.

If the situation arose suddenly, and no one was ready for this, it is necessary to act as follows:

  1. The first help in an attack of epilepsy is to immobilize a person as soon as possible. As a rule, it is enough to press his hands on his shoulders. It is best to try to fix the person in the supine position on the back. In this case, the head must necessarily turn sideways. This will contribute both to the further problem-free extraction of the tongue from the oral cavity, and it will help a person not to choke with foamy secretions from the mouth.
  2. Then, push the lower jaw down and stick out the tongue. It is not always possible to do this, since the circular muscles located near the mouth are very strongly compressed. To open the jaw, you may need some foreign object. It is better and safer to use a spoon or fork, but only with a blunt end.
  3. After the mouth is open, it is necessary to stick out the tongue as soon as possible and fix it. The same spoon or fork can be used to stick out the tongue. Then it is best to tie it. Take a piece of cloth, wrap around the tongue and attach the other end to the arm of a person with a fit, making sure that the tissue remains in a tight position. If this is not done, the tongue will fall into the throat and block the air access. In that case, death can come in less than two minutes.

Final Actions

If a person has started an attack of epilepsy, and it turned out to commit all necessary actions, it is important to know also about what to do after an attack of epilepsy:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to wait for the person to come to consciousness, untie his tongue and help rise from the floor or the bed.
  2. Then help him undress and take him to the bath, where he can carry out all the necessary procedures to get rid of the consequences of involuntary bowel movement and urination.

Remember the symptoms of an epileptic fit is simple enough. It is important, if the attack happened, not to pass by, but to stop and help the person.