Cutting with hot scissors

Thermotrip, or cutting with hot scissors, has recently become an increasingly popular procedure in hair care. Hot scissors are an electronic device with heating blades, the temperature of which can be set.


Cutting hot scissors requires much more time than usual. The procedure takes at least an hour on short hair, and on thick and long - up to two or three hours. During the haircut, the hairdresser twists the hair into flagella and cuts all the split ends. With this type of haircut, all the damaged and split ends are clearly visible, and they can easily be cut, while minimally shortening the hair.

It is believed that when cutting with ordinary scissors, the end of the hair remains open, and this contributes to the breakdown of its structure and the ingress of harmful substances. When shearing with hot scissors, a kind of "sealing" of the cut ends occurs, which prevents cross-section and fragility, delamination of the tips, the hair remains healthy and intact. Cosmetic effect is noticeable after the first procedure, but for the manifestation of the therapeutic effect, at least 2-3 procedures are necessary.

Myths and Reality

1. After cutting with hot scissors, you immediately notice that the hair has become smoother and more docile, and has acquired a healthy shine.

Hair is a rod, the upper layer of which consists of peculiar scales. On healthy hair, they fit tightly to each other, but under the influence of the external environment, inappropriate hair care products, drying with a hair dryer, leveling with curling irons, etc. these scales begin to diverge, puff up, and hair lose its natural sheen and elasticity.

The damaged ends of the hair are stratified, resembling a razmochalennuyu thread, which also gives the hair style an inaccurate appearance.

When shearing with hot scissors, the main cosmetic effect is provided by the type of haircut - flagella, when all the dead, stratified, uneven ends are removed. Since this haircut cuts almost every hair, the hairdo immediately gets a good look, the hair becomes more smooth, well-groomed. But here's instantly to return the scales to the place and give the hair a healthy shine haircut does not help, you need to closely deal with the health of hair: to choose the right shampoos, conditioners, use nourishing masks.

2. When cutting with hot scissors, the tips of the hair are sealed, which is useful for hair and helps to protect them from the negative influence of the environment.

It can be recognized that such "sealing" gives some advantage, since the ends of the hair do not split so quickly (as the fused end of the synthetic thread ceases to melt), which allows you to resort less often to a haircut, but other positive effects are highly controversial.

Nutrients are obtained through the scalp, but with long hair to their tips they simply can not reach. And brittleness, loss of shine and other negative effects arise due to violation of the structure of the hair, and it helps here not soldering tips, but proper hair care, intake of vitamins and minerals.

3. Cutting with hot scissors injures the hair.

With fairly sharp blades, haircut as hot, and with ordinary scissors does not do any harm to the hair. In the case of insufficiently sharp scissors, they can provide not an even cut, but a razmochalenny edge, and the hair will begin to sechsya more. The only real threat when shearing with hot scissors is cheap devices with poor temperature control and unprofessional hairdressers. In this case, the ends of the hair can simply be burned, so that the hair is quickly repaired again.

Thus, the benefit of cutting with hot scissors is that the hairstyle lasts longer and keeps a neat look, allows less frequent resort to hairdressing services, but the miraculous health effect should not be expected.