How to keep a relationship with a guy?

In the life of everyone, there are times when you meet "your" person, fall in love, start a relationship that grows into something serious, then you can tie yourself up in marriage. But sooner or later, there comes a crisis in your relationship. Not everyone is able to overcome him widow. Someone does not have enough knowledge about this, and someone just got tired of fighting. Let's try to figure out how to keep the relationship and again bring the atmosphere of love into the relationship.

How to maintain a long relationship?

Regardless of how long you meet, what period of your relationship, at any stage of their development, a girl and a boy need to support them, invest feelings in this development, strive for mutual understanding. In order to better understand how to maintain a relationship with a guy, consider the stages of development of any relationship.

  1. Romantic stage. In other words, it is a bouquet - candy period. About this stage is often written by poets - romantics. Many who are married for a long time, I want to feel again in my life the period of the first kiss, sex, the desire to always be together. This romance lasts about 6 months. The downside of this stage is that you can make mistakes in a partner if you are building huge plans for your pair. After all, at the romantic stage, you are still hovering in the clouds with happiness, and your partner seems ideal to you. If, while at this stage, you are tormented by doubts about whether it is worth keeping in touch, try to understand what exactly does not suit you in a partner. Maybe, than immediately cut from the shoulder, you openly talk with your beloved man about what's bothering you in your relationship.
  2. Reality. You stop looking at the partner through the "rose-colored glasses". Sometimes you may be annoyed by some of the partner's habits, traits of character. Do not take hasty conclusions, think about how to maintain a relationship with a man. Maybe he is not to blame for your annoyance. Perhaps you have exaggerated too much in relation to his personal qualities, when they were in the first stage of the relationship.
  3. Adoption. This is a kind of continuation of the second stage. You know each other well. You do not have the desire to impress the guy, you are used to each other. Communication is the key to mutual understanding. Often, being at this stage, the partners make a decision or live together, or get married. Strive to open your soul to a partner, let it be for you and a close friend, who can always tell about all that is painful.
  4. Confrontation between spouses. When you are at this stage, it is more difficult to find an answer to how to maintain a relationship in a marriage. After all, you have many difficulties that you have overcome, but you have become so attached to each other that sometimes you want something new. Unfortunately, at this stage, many couples are not able to keep their love and part. It is worth noting that when you find the strength to go through this stage together, you will already have a very valuable experience how to maintain family relations. And it will say that your expectations and hopes at the partner's expense, which arose at the first stage of the development of relations, were not erroneous. Remember that quarrels, frequent or not, are always normal. This shows that each of you is a person, everyone has his own opinion. The main thing is to be able to find the best solution for both of you.
  5. Compound. At this stage of development, you are more likely to be able to tell yourself what to do in order to maintain a relationship. After all, you have reached a stage that indicates that you have known love. You feel affection for your partner. Sometimes you realize that you are very happy and want to share this love with the whole world. The only advice - Continue to improve with your partner and remember that you always need to work on relationships.

How to keep romance in a relationship?

Finally I want to note how to turn every day spent with a loved one, in a day filled with romance, different from other days. This all depends on your imagination. This does not mean that you need to spend large amounts of money on gifts. Show romance in affectionate touch to a partner, in an appeal to him.

It is worth noting that relations can be maintained at any stage of their development. The main thing in this is the mutual desire of partners.