Compliments to the man

Is it possible to make compliments to a beloved man, or is it better to abstain? It is believed that words of admiration, approval and flattery are taken only in relation to the fair sex. And yet how to properly make compliments to men, we will discuss in detail in this article.

Do men like compliments?

Everyone, regardless of gender, has an idea of ​​himself, his strengths and weaknesses. The secret of a successful compliment is to note these strengths. It is desirable at the same time to have sensitivity and sufficient vocabulary. However, in some cases, expressive: "Wow!" - can be the best compliment for a man.

Let's look at what compliments men like:

  1. Delight. It is very nice when you or your features are able to attract the enthusiastic attention of the opposite sex. It can be growth or physique, tenderness or sensitivity, choice of a motorcycle model or a four-legged friend and so on.
  2. Confirmation of its exclusivity. Even if this is the most masterly possession of the mouse - you need to notice it and note it. "Incredible! I did not think that this is possible! ". In this, men and women are like: people like to think of themselves as someone special, and to see confirmation in the eyes of others - and even more so.
  3. Praise his interests. This can be a passion for sports, collecting, applied skill - if a man is really keen, the business of his life becomes an important part of his personality. Of course, he will be flattered by the attention and high appreciation of his hobbies.
  4. Laugh. Yes, laughter is a compliment to his ability to cheer his lady heart. A grateful smile is a compliment to his ability to make up a soul company. Do not hide your positive emotions, caused by his society and actions.
  5. Demonstration of value. Time and habit erase the sense of value of the actions of a loved one. But, if you try not to lose the freshness of your gaze, even in routine cases there are occasions to note his efforts and results.

However, we are not only courteous or beloved. For example, compliments to an unfamiliar man can both become an occasion for acquaintance, and a way to sew off a careless admirer.

There are a few simple rules that allow you to decide: what compliments can be said to a man, and which ones should be left with him.

Compliment rules:

  1. It must be sincere words. This is the point. In addition, falsehood is sooner or later recognized and then there will be more harm than, if at all, no pleasures.
  2. Do not abuse. A sense of proportion is useful in the art of making compliments. Too frequent compliments lead to thoughts of selfish motivations or insincerity.
  3. Curbed sarcasm. A sense of humor is wonderful, but we are directing him to a living person? Some men are vulnerable, and some jokes may be too sharp. Even accidentally.
  4. Avoid banalities. It is better to keep silent than to present something impersonal - as if nothing more than a man is not worthy.

Intimate compliments to men - a category with which you should be the most careful. It is better to avoid ambiguous and diminutive-laskatelnyh formulations. Partisan silence is also not welcome. For sure, if you listen to your own feelings, you will be able to choose the most sincere and correct words.

Let's sum up how to make a man the best compliment. If this is the best, most important and necessary man in your life - just tell him about it. Let it be sincere words, bringing a feeling without expectation of bestowal. If you are not mistaken with the choice, such a compliment will be the best in his life.