What do women do with men?

The truth of one sage that a woman's neck, and a husband's head, in the modern world has acquired such evidence that few people are arguing with her. However, not everyone knows the details of the subtleties in the relationship between such different representatives of the two sexes. What should a real woman be able to do, wanting to find at her feet a strong half of humanity? Reply to this question and at the same time to gain invaluable experience you can with us.

Women in relationships with men

"You are a woman and you are right," said one great. And really, to understand what is happening in the minds of the fair half, the world's powerful people have been trying for many centuries. And women, meanwhile, have come up with many ways how to learn how to manipulate men. And I must say, most people do it perfectly. About what men do for women it's time to write love stories and adventure stories. But to think that all women are treacherous and use their second half only for personal purposes, it would be wrong. The thing is that men and women have differences not only in sex, but also in everything related to the psyche and behavior. And there are situations in which women's gimmicks can not be avoided. Any spouse is for a man not only the mother of his children and the keeper of the hearth, but also a support, a supportive counselor and the best friend. That's why it is commonly believed that a woman makes a man strong. She is his second mother, accepts him with all the shortcomings, directs his thoughts and actions in the right direction. But the way this happens deserves a separate discussion. So, let's figure out how and with what a woman affects a man.

Manipulation by a man

What should a real woman do to achieve her goal and direct the thoughts and actions of the man in the right direction? Techniques, which a strong half of humanity willingly pecks, there is plenty. But we will only analyze the most effective ways of how to properly manipulate a man.

  1. Stupid, weak and helpless. Such a role any man will have to taste. For the sake of being considered the strongest, the first, the male and so on, he will turn the mountains and get the stars from the sky. The truth is there is one nuance - only a really strong man will do it. And the weak, having heard that he is a real man and an alpha male, generally cease to do anything.
  2. Flattery or compliments. Contrary to the popular belief that women love with their ears, in practice it turns out that a strong sex is not against hearing flattering words about it. Thanks to a couple of affectionate words, flavored with gentle embraces, almost any man "melts" and will be ready for anything that he will be asked to.
  3. Jealousy. Another great way that many women use is flirting with other representatives of the male population. The feeling that his beloved spends time with someone else can cause a man to rabies, and he will begin to prove with all his might that he is better, stronger, more tender and more attentive.
  4. The keeper of the hearth. In order to permanently bind a man to himself, wives often resort to such manipulations as the daily assertion that without her a man would long ago have wallowed in age-old dust, died of hunger and was unemployed. This does not always work, but in most cases a man really begins to believe that without a woman he would not have achieved anything and would have drowned in mud and poverty.
  5. Scandal. One of the most common ways to achieve your goal is to The scene with tears and hysterics, which normally can not tolerate any of the men. And for the sake of this, it soon ceased, they are ready for anything, anything.

There are so many ways of female manipulation that it's time to create an entire encyclopedia dedicated to what women do with men. Insightful and intelligent representatives of the stronger sex perfectly know most of these techniques and prefer to immediately make compromises in order to avoid unnecessary hassle. However, truly wise women do not often resort to their methods. After all, to achieve one's own, it is not necessary to make scandals, hysterics, to represent a victim or a quivering doe. To a man was sensitive and attentive, it is enough to support him, be moderately independent and gentle, and of course let him know that he is the best and beloved.