Pikaper - who is it, how to recognize the pickup in life?

The origins of the pickup go back to those old times when women were seduced by Don Juan, Giacomo Casanova. Modern pikaper - who is this? Researcher of female nature or a man for whom sex is just entertainment, and the trophy girls in his fascinating hobby?

Who is a pick-up artist?

On the Internet, the image of the pickup has unattractive characteristics and causes indignation in the fair sex. Who is a pick-up man? This is a person using certain manipulative techniques of seducing girls in order to have sex and disappear from their horizon to subdue the following. The pickup can be compared to the image of a moth fluttering from flower to flower.

A pickup in the pickup style - what is it?

What is a pickup - in 1992 American writer Paul Jeffrey in his book "How to drag the woman of your dreams into bed" called the process a dirty seduction guide for men who are tired of being good, but failing with the opposite sex. Pickup in translation from English. slang pick up - "pick up", "take off" - the art of fast seduction, which came from the West. A meeting in the style of a pickup rests on the rule of "3 visits":

  1. Preliminary stage - acquaintance. Searching for a girl in public places: metro, parks, clubs. The goal is to get a phone number (no more than 15 minutes).
  2. The first date - a pickup creates a trusting atmosphere, uses light touches, a penetrating look. The whole emphasis is on the girl's conversation about herself, constantly directs her in this channel. The goal is to provoke interest (it takes no more than an hour), and that a meeting takes place.
  3. The second appointment is an active seduction by hands: hugging, stroking, pressing, trying to show that he was carried away by a girl. Time is limited to 4-5 hours. The goal of the meeting is a smooth transition to the 3 rd meeting and the logical conclusion of his sex, or if the girl is not ready, invite her to a third.
  4. Third date . The goal is sex. For this, the pick-up "accidentally" remembers that there is one beautiful place that is his apartment, or apartment of friends.

What is a good pickup truck?

Any technique has a negative and positive side. The pickup in modern interpretation was divided into currents: a dirty pickup and deliberate seduction. Not all men know how to get acquainted and behave freely with women. Someone has this natural shyness, others have a lot of complexes at their own expense, but they are united by the desire to get acquainted with the girl for a long relationship. Pros of the pickup truck realized:

What's wrong with a pickup truck?

The psychology of pickup is built on the manipulative techniques of the method of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) founded by Richard Bendler. The use of tactics actively involved channels of perception: kinesthetic, audial, visual, the victim of a pickup is introduced into a kind of trance, seductive charm. Dirty pikaper - who is this? The category of guys for whom the spirit of competition and excellence comes first. Techniques that use pick-ups:

  1. Contradict ethical principles.
  2. They are aimed at understating the girl's self-esteem. In these cases, use banter, various jokes (not dressed in fashion, the hair is dented, etc.).
  3. Impress feelings, emotions. Can come up with non-existent phenomena: love of animals, the passion for travel and enthusiastically talk about it. Girls respond to such emotionality, which means - the pick-up has practically reached its goal.

How to recognize a pickup artist?

Many women confronted with dishonest men's game asked the question: how to recognize the pickup in life, so as not to experience the painful feeling of "use" again. Recognize this "macho" can be on the basis of:

  1. There was a discomfort when communicating.
  2. Non-congruent state: actions, emotions, facial expressions, gestures, feelings contradict each other. It shows joy - with the shoulders and corners of the mouth lowered, arms crossed in front of the chest.
  3. Much attention is paid to the appearance: an impeccable hairstyle, expensive perfume.
  4. Beginning pikaper seeks to immediately get a telephone contact from the girl and hide, with "experience" will give the conversation some time.
  5. The conversation begins with non-standard phrases that do not involve acquaintance.
  6. How to distinguish a pickup artist from a genuinely interested one: the pickups themselves designate the places of visits where there is no need to pay for a girl.

Recently, the baton of the pick-up was picked up by the representatives of the weaker sex. Pikaper-woman - who is this and what is the female pickup different from the male? Girls use similar methods of dating, but the ultimate goal can be different: divorce for money, collecting men, or even marrying. A woman can meet with several men at once, and everyone will be sure that he is her only.

How to communicate with a pick-up artist?

Pikaper is a person going to his goal, in this case to seduction and sex. A girl is an object that he does not seek to know, but takes as a prize for making some effort. If a woman understands that before her seducer then in communication with a pick-up artist you can use the techniques:

  1. Switch attention from himself to him, ask many questions about his life, his family.
  2. Ignore flattery and compliments to your address: answer "Yes, I know what a beautiful (smart, athletic)".
  3. To be guided by calmness and internal balance, as soon as there is a feeling of discomfort in a conversation - to stop the conversation, referring to employment.

How to fall in love with a pick-up artist?

A man - a seducer - is an ordinary person with his problems and he, too, is not immune from falling in love with his "sacrifice". Relations with the pick-up artist are possible and, for some time, he will be attached to the girl who evoked his feelings, but it is important to understand that strong relations in the future are hardly worth waiting for. Men involved in pick-up and experienced victory one by one become dependent on this lifestyle.

How to sew a pickup?

Techniques of pick-up artists can also be used against the seducers themselves:

Other methods:

How to teach a lesson to a pick-up artist?

The behavior of the pick-up causes indignation in the girls who encountered this phenomenon for the first time. Women's forums are intensively discussing issues related to the pickup theme and offended girls dream of a rematch. To teach a lesson to a pickuper, you can fall in love with him and then quit, disappear from his life - that's what women think. For a man - very painful, but it is unlikely that it will make him change.