Raynaud's syndrome - symptoms and treatment

It would seem that something to worry about too cold hands in frosty weather - everything is quite natural and easy to explain. In fact, even this ordinary and harmless at first glance phenomenon may be a symptom of Raynaud's syndrome, a disease requiring serious treatment. Knowing the main signs of the problem, it will be much easier to recognize it, and accordingly, the health course can be started in a timely manner.

Main Reasons and Symptoms of Raynaud's Syndrome

Raynaud's syndrome is a problem associated with impaired blood circulation in the limbs and some other parts of the body. As practice has shown, quite often the disease affects the auricles, the tip of the nose, the chin, and the tongue. The syndrome manifests seizures, which can last several seconds or hours.

The main reasons for the development of Raynaud's syndrome in women are:

  1. Most often, the appearance of the problem is promoted by various rheumatic diseases. For example, Raynaud's syndrome is among the most common signs of systemic scleroderma, lupus erythematosus, Sjogren's disease , nodular periarthritis.
  2. Primary pulmonary hypertension is capable of causing the disease.
  3. Raynaud's syndrome develops against the background of such blood diseases as myeloma, thrombocytosis, paroxysmal hemoglobinuria.
  4. Another reason is vascular disease.
  5. Often, Raynaud's syndrome appears due to the use of potent drugs.

In women, Reynaud's syndrome is diagnosed much more often. And if a few decades ago, the potential victims of Reynaud were pianists and people engaged in typing, today every second activity is closely connected with the computer. And accordingly, and to earn Reynaud's syndrome it became much easier. In the risk zone are representatives of the fair sex at the age of 20 to 40 years.

Symptoms of the disease may vary depending on the degree of Raynaud's syndrome:

  1. At the first stage, short spasms in the extremities are observed, accompanied by pain, light tingling and numbness. The fingers and toes may become pale.
  2. The second stage is characterized by the intensification of all the symptoms described above, to which cyanosis of the skin, puffiness is added. Pain during attacks becomes stronger.
  3. The late third stage of the disease comes only after a few years. The pain becomes less pronounced, the limbs turn red, the necrotic areas appear on the skin. Some patients develop ulcers, which, due to changes in the body, can not heal for a long time.

Traditional and popular treatment of Raynaud's syndrome

The huge problem lies in the fact that the universal medicine for Raynaud's syndrome has not been invented so far. All treatment courses are aimed only at eliminating the symptoms and causes that cause them. Fortunately, if the disease is dealt with, serious consequences Raynaud's syndrome can not have, although there is a lot of discomfort. If the disease is neglected, gangrene may develop.

Often, patients are prescribed complex treatment, which includes such drugs:

To combat sores and wounds, you can use special antimicrobial ointments.

It is also allowed to treat Reynaud's syndrome with folk remedies:

  1. To stop an attack and prevent its appearance in the future, very relaxing massages of extremities help very effectively.
  2. Patients with Reynaud's syndrome folk medicine recommends taking fir baths.
  3. To support the body will help freshly squeezed onion juice, mixed with honey. Take a drug should not more than two months three times a day for a tablespoon.