How to make ginger tea?

Everyone must have heard about the miraculous ginger tea for weight loss. But this drink is beautiful not only this. Essential oils and other useful elements contained in the root of ginger, enhance metabolism, improve the performance of all systems of our body, contribute to its purification, and as a result, rejuvenation.

Today we will tell you how to prepare ginger tea at home, and you can try on his remarkable properties. The effect is noticeable after a week of regular use.

How easy is it to make ginger tea?

In order to brew ginger tea rub the peeled root on a fine grater, measure a teaspoon of grinded mass, knead it in a bowl with a slice of lemon and pour boiling water. You can add sugar to taste, but much more useful is this tea with honey.

How to brew ginger tea with lemon, honey and pepper?



To make ginger tea with this recipe, we need the grated root of the ginger root. To do this, we clean it from the skin and let it through a fine grater. Then heat the cleaned water to boil, throw three tablespoons of grated mass, add honey, mix until it is completely dissolved and boil the mixture for seven minutes. Filter the tea through a very fine strainer or several layers of gauze, season it with ground black pepper, lemon juice and mashed leaves if desired, let the tea stand for several minutes, and serve hot.

Honey can not be added when cooking tea, and serve it separately.

Preparation of homemade ginger tea



Initially, we brew green tea in a traditional way, let it brew for five minutes and filter from the leaves. We determine the liquid in a saucepan or scoop, add two or three teaspoons of ground freshly ginger root, cardamom, cinnamon and cloves if desired, and allow to boil for twenty minutes. Then squeeze out the juice of half a lemon, throw the remaining flesh with the skin and boil for another five minutes. Before serving, filter and season honey with honey.