Means for narrowing the pores

For a thorough cleansing of the face, it is required to open the pores as much as possible. Only so the milk can absorb the accumulated pollution and skin fat. After this, you need to use a means to narrow the pores, which prevents their subsequent clogging, the formation of comedones and the accumulation of a viscous secretion. It is important to choose the right cosmetic product or to prepare it at home.

Professional cosmetic means for effective narrowing of the pores on the face

The easiest way to buy a ready-made tonic , serum or cream. Dermatologists advise the following names:

Folk remedies for prolonged narrowing of the pores on the face

If natural products are preferred that close the pores and tone the skin, you can prepare the cosmetics yourself.

The best way to maximize the narrowing of the pores on your face is a mask based on tomatoes. It is enough just to put thin circles of vegetables, puree from it or unsalted tomato paste on the skin (after cleansing), leave the selected product for 15-20 minutes, and then lightly rinse your face with water.

It is also easy to make an effective egg mask with the addition of citrus juice.

The recipe for a mask


Preparation and application

Fork with a little whisk egg white. Mix it with freshly squeezed orange juice. Apply the formulation on the skin, leave to dry completely - about 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.

In this tool, you can replace orange juice with lemon, only it will take much less, only 1 tsp.