Retinoic ointment for wrinkles

Sooner or later every woman thinks about the need to fight wrinkles . Undoubtedly, the first thing that comes to mind when referring to a fading skin is modern creams and serums, which today are represented in the windows of cosmetic shops very much. And yet there are those who prefer retinoic ointment from wrinkles to all expensive cosmetology products. This ointment, although it does not look as presentable as a cream from a famous brand, but helps prevent wrinkles and effectively reduces their number.

Composition of retinoic ointment

Unattractive at first glance retinoevaya ointment actually has a just-magical composition. The main secret of the success of this ointment is vitamin A in the basis of the composition. You probably heard about this substance from advertising of any cream. It's about retinol, it's also vitamin A, which is considered one of the most effective tools in the fight against old age. Retinol, which is part of the retinoic ointment from wrinkles, promotes early recovery and rejuvenation of cells.

Although the main purpose of the ointment - the fight against acne, today many cosmeticians actively use it to get rid of wrinkles. In addition, retinoic ointment helps with the following diseases:

How to use retinoic ointment?

Retinoic ointment acts very effectively, but there is one drawback - it dries the skin. And this means that too often you can not use the product (especially people with dry skin type ). In case there are no serious problems with the skin, experts recommend making masks from the retinoic ointment for three weeks twice a year, when the skin needs special protection - in the fall and in the spring. If necessary, the course can be repeated several times a year.

In the instructions for retinoic ointment for wrinkles, it is indicated that it is desirable to use it at night. Strange, but understandable: the fact is that retinol does not tolerate exposure to sunlight. Accordingly, the benefits of using an ointment at night will be much greater. If to put or render ointment in the afternoon, the probability of occurrence on a skin of combustions similar to solar is very great. When using retinoic ointment for rejuvenation, it is also not recommended to go to the solarium. The product makes the skin more sensitive to sunlight, so it's best to apply sunscreen throughout the entire cosmetology course.

Apply retinoic ointment only on pre-cleaned skin. But cosmetologists recommend to abandon the use of scrubs and tonics for the duration of the treatment course. To start using Retinoic ointment for the face is best after consulting a specialist. Even if before the beginning of the course of approval of a dermatologist or cosmetologist you will not be able to get, you need to closely monitor the reaction of the skin.

Precautionary measures

As with any medicine, retinoic ointment has contraindications to use, which must be read before the treatment. Here is the list of the main ones:

  1. Experts do not recommend using ointment for people who suffer from liver failure.
  2. If, after applying the ointment, redness, itching or swelling, it is better to suspend treatment and consult a doctor.
  3. The courses of rejuvenation with retinoic ointment are contraindicated for pregnant women and young nursing mothers.

Regardless of your health, you can not use ointment for too long - its side effects are quite unpleasant. For example, isotretinoin, which is part of the drug, can provoke: