Kuperoz on the face - causes and treatment

Despite the fact that the vascular "mesh" or telangiectasia do not cause physical discomfort and painful sensations, these skin defects significantly spoil the appearance and mood. Particularly unpleasant is couperose on the face - the causes and treatment of this phenomenon have been studied for several decades. Fortunately, in cosmetology and dermatology there are ways by which you can get rid of the problem forever.

The causes of the appearance of couperose on the face

The described defect is a violation of blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin. Vessels lose elasticity and ability to contract, because of what they are constantly expanded under the pressure of incoming blood. In the future, damaged capillaries burst, causing even more reddening of the skin around the telangiectasias.

The causes of blood circulation pathologies are quite a lot:

Treatment of couperose on the face of folk remedies

To begin with, it is important to note that in the presence of pronounced and numerous telangiectasias, no alternative, homeopathic and even medicinal preparations will help. They serve to prevent the formation of new vascular "mesh" and slightly improve the appearance of damaged areas.

Folk remedies:

The recipe for toner with couperose


Preparation and use

Boil the water, fry it with phytochemicals. In chilled infusion dissolve the grinded tablets of Ascorutinum. Wipe the skin with tonic up to 6 times a day or use it for washing.

Medical methods of treatment of couperose on the face

Conservative medicine for vascular strengthening uses drugs based on ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and rutin (a derivative of vitamin P). These substances reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries, make their walls more elastic and firm, improve local microcirculation of blood.

Therefore, with a small number of telangiectasias, it is possible to treat couperose on the face with Troxevasin. The agent is applied to the affected areas 2 times a day, it is preferable to rub the gel with the active ingredient concentration of 2% for 3-5 weeks.

Sometimes it is recommended that the systemic administration of troxevasin in capsules. The physician selects the concentration and duration of the course of therapy individually. As a rule, treatment begins with taking 1 capsule (300 mg) for 14-15 days, 3 times a day. Depending on the results obtained, the dosage may be increased or decreased.

A similar effect is produced by Detralex and Normoven tablets.

Laser treatment of couperose on the face

The only way to completely get rid of telangiectasias on the cheeks, chin, and wings of the nose is the coagulation of damaged vessels by a laser.

In the course of the procedure, hemoglobin is immediately clotted in the blood, which fills the stretched capillaries. Because of this, their walls are glued together and eventually dissolve.

With a large number of vascular "mesh" it will take 2-6 sessions of laser therapy.