Furuncle on face

The furuncle on the face is a dubious ornament. In addition, purulent inflammation is accompanied by pain and can spread to healthy areas of the skin. We will find out what is the cause of furunculosis, how it proceeds and what methods are appropriate for treating the problem.

What are the furuncles on the face?

Purulent inflammation appears as a result of infection with Staphylococcus aureus. The provoking factors are:

All these factors facilitate the penetration of staphylococcus into the hair follicle, which causes inflammation.

Symptoms of boils on the face

To learn about the possibility of a furuncle, you can by the characteristic itch, which appears at the site of infection. After a couple of days, the area of ​​the skin swells and blushes - an inflammatory infiltrate is formed.

The swollen skin surface is raised in the central part in the form of a cone. Its top is dead tissue, so you can see a characteristic black point. As maturation furuncle is filled with purulent contents.

Among the symptoms can be identified pain, which is almost constant and intensified during a touch to the inflamed area. Often maturing furuncle is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Maturation lasts about a week, after which the abscess spontaneously breaks out and together with pus leaves the rod. Unfortunately, as a result of self-cleaning of large chirry, a noticeable scar remains on the skin.

How to get rid of the boil on the face?

The appearance of a single chirya is often ignored and treated independently, using common folk recipes. However, such treatment of a boil on the face can lead to periodic rashes. Therefore, it is advisable to seek medical help to completely get rid of the problem.

It happens that furunculosis is severe and treatment is in the inpatient department. But in most cases it is enough to follow the recommendations of a dermatologist to avoid complications. The treatment is carried out in a complex way, using medical therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures and surgical intervention:

  1. Medication therapy involves treating the inflamed area with antiseptic solutions. This helps to eliminate the risk of infection spreading to healthy tissues. In the chronic form of furuncles on the face and complicated flow, antibiotic preparations of a wide spectrum are used. Assign them to maturation of the abscess, when a dense infiltrate is formed. After self-cleaning abscess recommend ointment from boils on the face. Local therapy with antibacterial ointment helps to avoid infection of the wound.
  2. Most often to prevent complications, the furuncle is opened, cleaned of purulent contents and washed with hydrogen peroxide. In this case, after a small operation, antibacterial therapy is also performed with the help of such ointments as Levomecol or Salicylic.
  3. Physiotherapy with UV rays is indicated for the speedy regeneration of tissues. In addition, it is possible to accelerate the maturation of chir with laser therapy.

It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out the abscess! As a result of inaccurate actions, the situation may deteriorate.

Knowing why furuncles appear on your face, you can avoid the problem. To do this, it is sufficient to strengthen immunity, treat chronic diseases and observe personal hygiene rules.