Cryomassage of face with liquid nitrogen

Exposure to cold skin can work wonders. If professionals take the case, the result will not take long. Face cryomassage with liquid nitrogen is a cosmetic procedure that is effective at any age. Your skin will shine with health and youth!

Why do we need cryomassage of the facial skin with liquid nitrogen?

Cryomassage liquid nitrogen acts on the deep layers of the dermis, like chemical pilling, but it is much less traumatic for the skin. We are accustomed to associate liquid nitrogen with the method of removing warts, papillomas, scars. This substance is really able to cope even with significant deficiencies, but during the cryomassage of direct skin contact with liquid nitrogen does not occur, because the cosmetic procedure is painless and comfortable. If you do not have contraindications, everything will go smoothly! With the help of cryomassage, the following problems can be solved:

Contraindications for cryomassage of face with liquid nitrogen

You are contraindicated in the cryomassage of the face, neck, hands and scalp, if in the recent past you have been ill with the flu, suffered a viral sore throat, or other infectious diseases. It is impossible to carry out the procedure for infecting with herpes, deprive and if there are inflammations on the skin.

Also it is not recommended to do cryomassage during pregnancy and lactation, with anemia, epilepsy, atherosclerosis. One of the main contraindications is also an allergy to cold - cryomassage with rosacea can cause a sharp exacerbation. Not every cosmetologist will risk doing cryomassage and with couperose - the probability of harm in this case is higher than the intended benefit.

For whom does cryomassage come with nitrogen?

Due to the fact that as a result of exposure to cold starts the processes of cell regeneration and improves the metabolism, cryomassage repeatedly enhances the effect of creams and masks. Vitamins and minerals, as well as other active substances, quickly penetrate the skin, and therefore the effect comes much faster. Due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties and disinfecting action, cryomassage perfectly helps against acne and closed gums. It eliminates the very cause of rashes, reduces the fat content of the skin and normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.

Equally well suited is cryomassage and mature skin. It helps to smooth facial wrinkles, well fights wilting. It is quite possible to regain youth without surgery, for this purpose it is sufficient to undergo a cryomassage course only 2 times a year.

By the way, in the event that you still decide to take radical measures, the procedure of exposure to cold will also come in handy. Cryomassage with nitrogen perfectly fights with edema, and therefore is one of the components of postoperative care for face and neck plastic. Plastic surgeons noted that cryomassage can quickly and effectively eliminate swelling, bruising and inflammation, as well as significantly accelerates the healing process.

Cryomassage refers to inexpensive cosmetics, but do not forget that to achieve the maximum effect of two or three procedures will be small. Usually the course of cryomassage includes 12-15 sessions. Each of them lasts from 5 to 10 minutes, depending on how large the area of ​​impact. This procedure is best for the face and neck, but it is also possible to order cryomassage of other parts of the body. For example - scalp. This is an excellent chance to stop hair loss, increase their growth and give the hair a natural volume.