Sexual maturation in cats

The little fluffy cat you recently shelter changed your behavior and became more restless? No need to worry, most likely, she just had a period of puberty, and the natural instincts take over it.

Sexual maturation in cats depends on nutrition, hereditary factors and breed. The first signs of "growing up" are manifested in the period from 6 to 10 months. Large breeds of cats (Persian, Serengeti, Maine Coon , ragamuffins) mature a little later than their miniature brethren. Popular British cats puberty begins with eight months.

Signs of puberty of a cat

To begin with, it is necessary to understand what is meant by the term "puberty". During this period, the development of the body ends, the animal reaches puberty and is capable of producing a new healthy offspring. The onset of maturity is characterized by the following manifestations:

During estrus, the animal becomes affectionate, rubs against legs, objects, rolls on the floor, takes specific poses characteristic of mating (bends and tramples with its hind legs, pulling its tail aside). At this time, the cat is reduced appetite, there is frequent urination. The duration of estrus is 5-6 days, and the cyclicity is up to 10 times a year.

If the estrus ends with fertilization, then its symptoms disappear after a couple of days. The next estrus will begin only after the end of the suckling period in kittens (approximately 3 months). If an animal loses its kittens during childbirth, the first sexual cycle will come much earlier.

Way out

Loud call meowing and restless behavior burnt to many masters and they can not stand it, they release a cat into the street, where she starts to hunt. If you are not aimed to start small kittens, then you need to resort to certain methods. Some owners at the time of estrus give cats special drugs that suppress the desire to run out into the street and find a partner. After such contraception, the animal experiences lethargy, apathy and lack of appetite.

A more radical way to eliminate the desire for sexual hunting is sterilization and castration. The postoperative period is 8-10 days. The operated animal becomes more affectionate and less energetic.