The parrot has a beak

Beak is the most important indispensable organ for all birds. Any slightest change in it can inevitably affect the livelihood of your pet. Noticing any incomprehensible defect on the cornea of ​​the beak, one should immediately search for the cause of this process. It is possible that it is a consequence of a hidden inside the body of a serious illness requiring immediate treatment.

Why does the parrot have a beak?

  1. Poor nutrition.
  2. Due to the lack of trace elements or important vitamins for the body, there are often various complications in animals. Parrots may also suffer for this reason, if the owner does not take good care of the full diet of his pet. Most often, such defects occur due to a lack of vitamins A and C, biotin, folic acid. If the diet is low in calcium, the stratum corneum softens, it becomes too flexible, which makes it difficult for birds to eat the grain. The purchase of special mineral complexes quickly eliminates such ailments, in addition, you can use for growing sprouted grain, which has always had an excellent therapeutic effect.

  3. Infection with mite Knemidokoptes.
  4. The upper layers of the epidermis are the favorite residence of these parasites. Their life activity causes not only unpleasant itching in the birds, but also deformation of the cornea. The mite learned to gnaw out tunnels in it, destroying a homogeneous structure, and porosity eventually leads to roughness of the outer layer. What to do, when for this reason the parrot has a beak? A sick bird should be immediately isolated, all old toys and perches discarded, and the cage itself should be disinfected. To treat the beak, use aversectin antiparasitic ointment.

  5. Injuries and internal diseases of organs.
  6. Sometimes a wavy parrot has a beak that breaks down due to latent liver disease, which affects the structure, makes the horny layer uneven. If a bird rubs it against a sharp object, it can lead to scratches or small defects. Deep hemorrhages with injuries can cause the appearance of growths, which sometimes requires periodic correction of the shape of the beak.