Feed for puppies of large breeds of premium class

Everyone knows that for normal development of puppies of large breeds , special nutrition is needed, including a variety of natural and nutritious ingredients.

That is why caring owners get pets wet and dry food for premium-class puppies , rich in vitamins and nutrients for better growth, strengthening of the skeleton and muscles.

Today in the world there are many types of premium-class feed for puppies of large breeds. Therefore, determining the appropriate product is not easy. To help you in this matter, we will tell you about the most popular and high-quality options.

Rating of feed for puppies of large breeds of premium class

The first honorable place on our list is the trade mark "Acana" . This is a full-fledged dry and wet forage for puppies of large breeds of premium and holistic class, combining only natural ingredients: whole boneless meat, fish, vegetables, cereals, algae, fruits, berries, fiber, as well as protein, calcium, minerals and vitamins for strengthening bones, joints and cartilage.

The second place in the list of the best feeds for puppies of large breeds of premium class belongs to the Canadian trade mark "Origen Puppy" . Due to the lack of cereals, the large content of meat ingredients (about 75%), fish, legumes, herbs, vegetables with a minimum amount of carbohydrates, wet and dry "Origen" for premium puppies contribute to the improvement of the digestive system of animals, strengthen the body's protective functions and make the fur coat healthy and shiny.

In third place is the trade mark "Choice" . Feeds based on dried chicken meat (33%) are rich in protein, proteins and minerals to strengthen joints, cartilage, bones and teeth.

The fourth in our rating of premium feed for puppies of large breeds is "Royal Canin" . It contains a large amount of phosphorus, easily digestible protein, calcium, fish oil, which provides the optimal rate of growth of the skeleton and muscles. Corn, corn flour, beet pulp and a complex of probiotics help to improve the functioning of the intestines and stimulate the appetite of fastidious pets.

The fifth in our list of premium feeds for puppies of large breeds is "Pronature Original Puppy" . A large number of chicken meat, vegetables, cereals, herring fat (a source of useful amino acids - Omega-3 and Omega-6), improves the condition of wool and skin. Also, the composition of the feed includes seeds of flax, yucca, rosemary, spinach, thyme. They strengthen the immune system, normalize the work of the heart and blood vessels during active growth, purify the liver of toxins, help to eliminate the unpleasant smell of mouth, wool and feces.