Information field

The theory of the information field at different times appeared under different names in the works of different scientists. For example, K. Jung introduced the term "collective unconscious", which was suspiciously similar to the definition of information fields given by modern mystics. The latter suggest that people also have a personal information space, and the universe has an information field that contains so much knowledge that it can provide answers to any questions.

The notion of information field

Under the information understand vibrational plexus, a kind of matter, which forms every living being in the process of its life. Each person is surrounded by an information field, and his formation begins from the moment of birth. Thus, all have their own "database", which records everything that happens to a person during life. It is interesting that the information- energy field does not exist separately, it has connections with all the people with whom it has ever contacted. Therefore, we can talk about the existence of an information field of the universe, common to all. It is his existence that can explain the simultaneous insights that come to two strangers who are in different parts of the world. Hence the popular phrase "information field of the universe - the source of knowledge", it is a kind of "knowledge bank", which replenishes every person.

Relationship of a person with an information field

Proceeding from all of the above, we can assume that we are all omniscient, since connection to the common energy-information field is available to every person from birth. But here everything is not so simple, the fact is that the connections with the "knowledge bank" are of different types.

  1. Standard communication is almost completely blocked channel, which works only in the direction from the person to the information field. Feedback is extremely rare, manifesting itself in outbursts of foreboding, which is also called intuition. Some people have such outbreaks, some have less, but such a communication channel is typical for almost all people on Earth.
  2. Uncontrolled communication is a channel working in both directions, but this work is of an uncontrolled nature. In some cases, a person concentrating can receive an answer to the question at the right time (remember Mendeleev with his table). Also, insights can come suddenly without much effort, but usually the time of such "revelations" is not the most successful. Information can come in the form of a picture, text or even music. Such a connection from birth is not given often and usually its appearance is associated with the fall of any blocks. And this can be influenced by a variety of factors, but most often they are strong negative experiences, although positive emotional shocks can open this channel.
  3. Controlled communication - this refers to the so-called clairvoyance, when a person receives answers to his questions in any time convenient for him. But people who have this type of connection can receive information and unconsciously. This includes both the appearance of fuzzy visions and the receipt of clear structured information. This type of communication can be both congenital, and acquired as a result of training or strong emotional shocks.

Of course, the link of the latter type also has its limitations, which depend on the degree of development of a person, the higher it is, the more clairvoyant data can get. So that the fullness of information can not be enjoyed by any person on Earth.