Up to what age do cats grow?

Cats are considered long-livers among pets and can live 10-15 years. Many people are interested in the question of how fast the cats grow, namely, at what age can the animal be officially considered an adult, and not a small kitten ?

How many cats grow: the main factors that affect their growth

Depending on the breed, the animal can reach its full size in 9 months, and can grow up to 3 years. There is one regularity - large breeds grow much more slowly than small breeds.

The fact, how many years the cats grow, is also affected by the heredity factor. So if you're wondering how quickly the pet will get the proper dimensions, you can trace its pedigree, if possible, of course, and understand to what age your cat will grow. The third most important factor that affects the growth of a pet is nutrition. If the daily diet of the kitten is the right vitamins and minerals, the food will be balanced, then it will necessarily be correct and on time to develop. Otherwise, the growth of a cat may even slow down, in addition, a bad or bad diet often provokes a number of diseases.

The most important period for the growth of cats is from three months to six months. It is at this time that care must be taken so that the pet receives the necessary amount of calcium. This is connected with the fact that in the interval from three to six months the animal grows and forms bones, so that they are strong, it is necessary to receive calcium in the body. Well, of course, a balanced diet will also contribute to the correct process of growth of the cat.

When cats stop growing, in most cases - an individual question. Although there is one more regularity: if we consider representatives of the same breed, the female will be slightly smaller than the male. Therefore, the latter takes more time to grow to adult size.